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The Mutual Funds
Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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The Mutual Fund Model

Learn more about FKFR Project FKFR: Scrap the Statue of Liberty

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  • $1000+ (Cultural Terrorist): a 1.5m x 1m ®TMark banner on weather-resistant canvas, plus Saboteur items below
  • $500+ (Mastermind): two ®TMark posters (large), plus Anarchist items below
  • $200+ (Saboteur): Deconstructing Beck or other Illegal Art compilation, an altered SimCopterTM, and Bringing IT to YOU!TM compilation
  • $100+ (Conspirator): an altered SimCopterTM
  • $50+ (Detourneur): Bringing IT to YOU!TM compilation

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