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  The Education Fund
  Brigitte Schmidt, Corporate University International, manager

This fund contains projects that address the changing ways that education is conceived, distributed, and perceived in the 'global marketplace,' particularly focusing on the corporatization of the educational system.
To discuss or help with a project, click on its NAME button.
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Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SOFT edu
0 workers
"Create a website to show the effects of the corporatization of education by making explicit a large corporation's unspoken policies. The website should highlight the way in which corporations pervert education for their own purposes, until it is no longer recognizable as such. Done! See!"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project AUDB edu
0 workers
"$1000 needed to subvert an audiobook leasing company (they distribute latest bestsellers, including a heavy list of corporate/conservative titles to hundreds of truckstops and public libraries across the country) by recording over every cassette of a certain highly anticipated right-wing title with Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, or Michael Parenti, etc. Worker will keep log of where these tapes are going, and local monitoring of infected racks can be administered. Get media attention in all cities where 'discoveries' are reported, and interview the 'victims'."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SOUV edu
0 workers
"We will produce a series of anti-souvenirs that will educate tourists to Hawaii about social injustice here and raise funds for Hawaiian activists. We will need about $2,000 to replicate the prototypes which are already made. We could also use more volunteers to help assemble the product, and more souvenir dealers who might be interested in purchasing them."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CARR edu
0 funds
"During the Republican National Convention, a horse carriage driver will give conventioneers narrated tours from hell. Choice of tours: God in Colonial Times; Sex, Drugs & Violence in the 18th Century; Homeless in Philadelphia; Bill of Rights; Death & Dying: Hospitals Then & Now; Ethnic America in Colonial Times; The Real Ben Franklin; and Crime & Prisons in America. Some tours include visit to a church, sex shop, corrugated cardboard box village, hospital, or a gallop around the new prison. Investors will receive free video, 'The Best Horse Carriage Tours of the Republican National Convention in the Year of Our Lord 2000.'"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MAPS edu
0 workers
"Create a new map or globe of the world that shows multinational corporate borders, vectors and free trade zones instead of national boundaries. Map must make it into a grade-school geography textbook, or globes must be sent to several elementary schools nation-wide; either event must be reported upon extensively in the mainstream press."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project DIS2 edu
0 workers
"Five individuals should dress in theme park mascot outfits of their own design, enter Disneyland or Disney World, play with children and give them leaflets describing, in terms comprehensible to children, what is wrong with the revisionist history presented in these parks. Extra points to someone who gets into a loud altercation with Mickey."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BRBI edu
US$50 workers
"'College Barbie' dolls, which come dressed as cheerleaders and are accompanied by a cheerleading tape, will be modified into 'Activist Barbie' dolls, which will come equipped with protest gear, including a sign upon which to put magnetic slogans; the tape will be modified so that Barbie's bubbly voice can be heard educating children about various social issues and teaching them how to protest. Estimated costs for the improvement and distribution of 100 Activist Barbies is $1449."