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  The Frontier Fund
  DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid, manager

This fund challenges naive, utopic visions of the "global village," focussing on the implications of allowing corporations and other multinational interests to operate free of social context. Many of these projects concentrate on the role of the citizen, the worker, local cultures, and ethnic groups in a world increasingly controlled by the interests of unrestricted global free trade. This is a stable but slow-moving international fund with the potential for very high long-term yields.
To discuss or help with a project, click on its NAME button.
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Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NIKE labor
US$300 workers
"Place 'Sally Struthers'-style leaflets, detailing the poor working conditions that exist for those who assemble athletic footwear, in major-brand athletic shoes, their shoeboxes, or the shoppings bags containing them, before or as they are being sold. Workers in many cities are being sought to plant the leaflets on an agreed-upon day, especially in 'flagship' stores. A press release will be issued by RTMARK to call attention to the event."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NAFT front
US$300 workers
"Argue that a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Certificate of Origin form can replace the lengthy and difficult immigration procedures for the United States. If products are able to move between Canada, the US, and Mexico with the reduced or eliminated duty allowed under the NAFTA regulations, people should be allowed to move across national boundaries with reduced or eliminated migration regulations as well. You can find a copy of the form here. Several people must make it across the US-Canada and US-Mexico borders with the document, and their actions must be widely reported in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MAPS edu
0 workers
"Create a new map or globe of the world that shows multinational corporate borders, vectors and free trade zones instead of national boundaries. Map must make it into a grade-school geography textbook, or globes must be sent to several elementary schools nation-wide; either event must be reported upon extensively in the mainstream press."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project VRWR front
0 workers
"Develop a 'virtual worker' system that allows populations normally engaged in migrant labor to work over the web instead. For example, develop a telepresent robot that picks oranges or strawberries while being controlled through the internet. Then, unionize both the robots and the telepresent workers."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CODE front
US$50 workers
"Export strong encryption software to as many non-NATO countries as possible, concentrating especially on the Middle East, China, and the former USSR. Strong encryption (especially above 128-bit) is classified by the United States military as a munition; therefore, this act constitutes treason under US law."