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  The Net Fund
  Rhizome and, managers

This fund contains projects that have to do with the Internet, the World Wide Web, and computer technology in general. Its cutting-edge nature makes this a dynamic fund and maintains its high rate of turnover. The Net Fund is managed by Rhizome, a prominent group of Internet analysts and educators.
To discuss or help with a project, click on its NAME button.
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Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SPAM net
0 workers
"Purchase e-mail lists and subscribe to bulk-mailing services (usually about $150). Use these lists to send messages informing recipients where their addresses were bought, how the messages were sent, and urging them to complain. Provide real contact for the companies that you want to receive complaints, as well as legislators' contact info and other anti-spam resources."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NAME net
0 workers
"If you buy things or simply request information from many web sites, they will put your name on a list and sell it to other e-commerce interests without your knowledge. Set up a website that tracks the sale of personal email accounts by submitting unique email addresses to suspect sites. When you receive unsolicited mail from 3rd parties with the unique address, you will know who originally sold the name. Heavily publicize your findings on your site and in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BANN net
0 workers
"Create hilarious or stupid/offensive ad-banners for corporate websites. Try to place them in link-exchange or likewise. ('I've never gotten fucked like in the new Audi TT!') One strategy might be to first create some nice average homepage banner and after a while change the motif and the destination."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BILL net
0 workers
"Launch a website dedicated to making fun in an entertaining way of a seemingly omnipotent corporate figure (Bill Gates?). Get the figure angry enough to sue, generating massive media coverage. (See Virtual Bill Clinton for an example, at"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CYBG net
US$1000 workers
"Create and distribute a number of head-mounted computer devices similar to those used by the 'cyborgs' at the MIT Media Lab, that would track those cyborgs and report, via retinal monitor, on the MIT cyborgs' whereabouts and online activities."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SCHD net
0 workers
for "a worker at a very high-profile web site who substitutes shocking graphics or texts for standard advertisements or other features (they must remain in place long enough for thousands of visitors to see them)."