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  The Media Fund
  Andrei Codrescu, manager

For reasons of situation, this high-risk fund has tremendous potential yields. The Media Fund is managed by Andrei Codrescu, who has consistently produced oppositional cultural dividends in various contexts, from the poetic to the cinematic. His current position as commentator for National Public Radio completes his exceptional qualifications for this position.
To discuss or help with a project, click on its NAME button.
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Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FLMF media
US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a film editing house or video duplication outfit to insert other scenes of a shockingly educational nature into popular movies or videos. Viewers must see the scenes, and it must be reported in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CRPE media
US$400 workers
for "a television reporter to consistently compare the punishment corporations receive for actual violations with the punishment individuals would receive for similar offenses."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CRYS media
0 workers
for "a print journalist who can use the Language Crystal to create two or three simultaneous readings of a story, or make it possible to read the story in another language (see Zukofsky's translation of 'Catullus,' which reads simultaneously in English and Latin)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BSTR intel
0 workers
"Blockbuster edits the content of many of the videos they rent. Rent edited tapes and record the original versions onto them--the object being to get caught, so that Blockbuster presses charges (perhaps for vandalism)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project AUDB edu
0 workers
"$1000 needed to subvert an audiobook leasing company (they distribute latest bestsellers, including a heavy list of corporate/conservative titles to hundreds of truckstops and public libraries across the country) by recording over every cassette of a certain highly anticipated right-wing title with Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, or Michael Parenti, etc. Worker will keep log of where these tapes are going, and local monitoring of infected racks can be administered. Get media attention in all cities where 'discoveries' are reported, and interview the 'victims'."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PINO media
0 workers
"Remake of Pinocchio, in which he goes to Disney Land, and rather than being transformed into a pack animal, he becomes a real, live boy... who just happens to be from a Third-World country. He and several other kids are then taken to factually accurate animated representations of Disney's Third- World sweatshops. In the end Pinocchio is beaten to death by the guards for attempting to take one of the shirts he was forced to manufacture."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FCCA media
0 workers
"Replace a frequently aired commercial on a major market radio station with an announcement from 'station management' that the FCC has pronounced the Telecommunications Act of 1996 as being 'in poor taste. (The station's corporate owner) has been ordered to turn the station over to the public interest effective the first of the following month. Anyone with suggestions as to what to do with the station should call (the corporate owner's CEO) at (his or her private number).'"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PATA media
0 workers
for "a news-wire worker who can successfully invent irrefutable pataphysical stories, or substitute amateur film (or stock footage) for news footage"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FAIR media
0 workers
"Create a website that will catalog companies that rip off their customers and contractors/employees (inverting how TRW and Equifax tell any story about you to businesses). Such a website could catalog corporate misconduct and show patterns of fraud indicating corporate policy."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SITC media
US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a news bureau to substitute several minutes of old sitcom clips for news clips during a prime-time news hour. The clips must be shown, must be seen by a large number of television viewers, and must be extensively reported on."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NEWS media
US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a major metropolitan newspaper who significantly alters an issue (e.g. changes most of the article text) in an interesting way. A good number of issues must see the light of day, and the media must report on it."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project COP2 media
0 funds
"Subvert the 'Cops' TV show by issuing a free net-based legal commentary (by a constitutional law expert) that points out all the instances on the show when cops violate the Constitution. We're doing this now, but need some funding to sustain it. Combat cop-culture and transform trash-TV...while learning your rights."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BBFM media
0 funds
"We are seeking $500 to pay for screening our film on prominently located billboards. Our film consists of a series of TV commercials, so slick and entertaining they could be mistaken for real, but questioning a buying/selling culture. We have gotten permission to use several billboards for this purpose. See for more details."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project TMSQ media
US$600 workers
to "rent two top floor rooms each in three Times Square hotels on a busy weekend night at the height of tourist season in New York. From the hotel windows, hang giant banners which read: 'New York welcomes Saddam Hussein'. The banner must display prominently several logos of large companies or municipal entities. Alternatives would be to rent a plane trailing a similar banner, lay down an enormous Welcome Saddam doormat which could be unfurled next to football stadia (where the news helicopter could see it), project the image on the moon or on huge white buildings, etc."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SURR media
0 workers
for "a worker at a metropolitan newspaper who places a major story in a surreal or metaphysical context that is now consistently ignored."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BUYS media
0 workers
"Launch a convincing e-commerce parody website that allows consumers to 'click-and-buy' a huge variety of absurd, politically charged, or spiritually abstract goods, such as unconditional love, the soul of Rupert Murdoch, blind complacency, or the revolutionary potential of the Internet. Ideal would be a 'sticky' site, which encourages consumer trance. Must receive media coverage."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CPRN intel
US$125 workers
"Plant enticing pornographic videotapes in porn stores everywhere, with models such as (a super-well-hung) Ronald MacDonald, (a dementedly horny) Barbie, etc.--in other words, any trademark character which depends on its assumed virtue."