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Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CRPP corp
US$2000 workers
to "the first U.S. court to imprison a corporation under a 'three strikes you're out' law. Funds may be used for courthouse renovations."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PIEX magx
0 workers
"The Biotic Baking Brigade seeks funds to subpoena Milton Friedman, Robert Shapiro, and Mayor Brown in their upcoming trial on charges of hurling pies at those august faces, and for other worthy purposes. Please write either to ®™ark, or to the BBB directly, to contribute funds."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EGRV etoy
0 workers
"Hold parties to file grievance forms against eToys lawyers en masse. Forms can be obtained from the California State Bar Association's special line for complaints against attorneys: (800)843-9053 in CA; (213)765-1200 outside CA."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ALRM quick
0 workers
"Write and distribute an e-mail message containing real recent quotes about the global economic crisis from major financial publications, selected to horrify individual investors. Examples: 'I have never seen anything like this in my entire life!' (Alan Greenspan) 'Today, there are 60 trillion dollars of borrowed funds invested in world markets. Even in 1929, markets were not this leveraged.' (Financial Times) The message must be shocking, convincing, and easy to understand, and it must reach at least 100,000 people and be noticed by mainstream financial media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CRPJ corp
0 workers
"Determine which corporations would NOT be in jail today, if corporations were jailed for offenses just like individuals. Plot the results in various ways, and publicize the result in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project WTO2 0 workers
"Replace advertising space for a multi-national corporation that has direct connections to the WTO in a major lifestyle magazine (such as Elle or vogue or people) with images of the peaceful protests in Seattle (or elsewhere)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FLMF media
US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a film editing house or video duplication outfit to insert other scenes of a shockingly educational nature into popular movies or videos. Viewers must see the scenes, and it must be reported in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project TRIB magx
0 funds
"To highlight the cynical merchandising of rebellion and solidarity to disaffected youth (examples: grunge, rave, etc.), create a 'tribe' from arbitrary elements--manners, items of clothing, etc.--and establish it as a 'real' media presence. When revealing the plan, also reveal some secondary meanings of the distinguishing elements...."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project JAMM comm
0 workers
"Start company or inventors' collective which designs and markets gadgets and electronics to disrupt all manner of electronic device. (One product might be a short-radius EM jammer to disrupt cell phones, radios etc. within an immediate area.) Market the devices to teenagers. Use funds generated for more devices with the same purpose." (NOTE: One such device already exists, and requires only marketing for it to be fully effective. Sponsors are encouraged to visit to offer support.)
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CRPE media
US$400 workers
for "a television reporter to consistently compare the punishment corporations receive for actual violations with the punishment individuals would receive for similar offenses."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CRPD corp
US$2000 workers
for "the first U.S. court to condemn a corporation to death. The sentence must be carried out. Funds may be used for courthouse renovations."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BRB2 0 workers
"Issue a mirror copy of the 'Barbie Super Sports' CDROM wherein instead of shopping to accessorize her cute sports look, Barbie wins the ability to do various other things that break the Barbie stereotypes. Place CDs in original packaging and on store shelves."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SPAM net
0 workers
"Purchase e-mail lists and subscribe to bulk-mailing services (usually about $150). Use these lists to send messages informing recipients where their addresses were bought, how the messages were sent, and urging them to complain. Provide real contact for the companies that you want to receive complaints, as well as legislators' contact info and other anti-spam resources."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HSTN high
US$50 workers
"Charlton Heston is currently on tour with a new play. Point out flaws in current gun control policy by attending this play and shooting Heston with a paintball gun, proving how easy it is to commit a murder under current weapons laws."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ENVS etoy
0 workers
"There are numerous investor communities on the web with thousands of forums. Enter a forum and explain to the investors the problems in the eToys/etoy case, strategically releasing information to lower investor confidence." (Click here for forum URLs and sample letters.)
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NYSE 0 workers
"In a nod to the Yippies action of the 1960's, a floor-runner should empty a suitcase full of realistic counterfeit money over the floor of the NYSE (or another large stock exchange). The chaos that ensues should be videotaped."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SHRK enviro
US$200 workers
for "the successful circulation of rumors that eating shark fin soup causes men to develop breasts because it contains a hormone similar to estrogen" or "that the ingestion of rhinocerous horn causes cancer of the testes."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project COWS high
US$5000 workers
to anyone who can "find and administer a substance to a great number of cattle that will make their beef unfit for consumption, without harming either the cattle's health or that of potential consumers--perhaps by discoloring it."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project KLGS labor
US$120 workers
"Insert realistic collector cards into cereal boxes, each with a photo and description of one of the many workers that has been killed or maimed at the cereal manufacturer's factory."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HOME 0 workers
"Stage a new trend in which the upward rise of housing costs in major cities leads corporations to lease office cubicles to workers who then live in them. Set up residences in an office building with personal belongings, cots, etc. Get the story on national news, use it as a way to talk about increasing dependence on large corporations."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project REAG high
US$3000 workers
to "rename a major chemical weapons incineration plant after Ronald Reagan."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EDOM etoy
0 workers
"The attempt by the corporation eToys to forcibly take over the domain name is threatening to set a precedent whereby it would be easy for corporations or parties with political interest to deprive individuals or art and activist groups of their domain names, if the name is apt to be confused with that of said corporations or parties. Help preserve freedom of expression on the Worldwide Web by studying the issues and lobbying ICANN, Congress, and public-interest groups like the EFF (thanks to EFF!) against domain-name censorship and reverse domain name hijacking."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project WDW1 magx
US$100 workers
"A Hispanic person claiming to be a representative of a group of refugees should request asylum from Cuba--and also the United States and the State of Florida--at Walt Disney World. Written statement issued to press should highlight Disney's quasi-governmental powers in Florida. Statement should also avow that in exchange for asylum, the refugees are willing to work at the park for less than minimum wage. Written statement must appear either on a (Disney-owned) ABC news broadcast, or on the local broadcasts of a substantial number of ABC affiliates."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SEED 0 workers
"Collect several hundred pounds of viable hemp (both psychoactive and not) and aerial broadcast these seeds over a large enough landmass to where profiteering or eradication become absolutely impossible. Alternately, do this with genetically modified, weedkiller-resistant weeds."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FAFO magx
0 workers
"Using any hamburger fast food chain's cartoon characters, create a small booklet or sheet explaining with bright smiling faces, with graphic photos, and in vivid detail, how cows are drugged, abused, and slaughtered to make hamburgers. Add it to the food bag or, better, in the special toy package. If necessary, stage angry parent reactions so that the media covers the story."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project AUDT quick
0 workers
"In museums and wherever 'audiotours' are available, borrow cassettes, record new text with interesting social messages, and return the cassettes to their players. Do this all over the world; eventually, it will be noticed."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ELRT etoy
0 workers
"Every time you see an eToys e-mail address in a news group or on a mailing list, use the opportunity to e-mail the owner about what type of company he or she is working for."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project DRSS quick
0 workers
"Study the dress code at your workplace and dress outrageously, but within the dress code limits. If you are reprimanded, politely explain that you are within the dress code. If you are fired or encounter other difficulties, most states will allow you to sue; there are examples of large settlements in California."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MAIL high
US$3000 workers
for a "worker at one of the five biggest mailing and parcel delivery services who can cause several thousand large packages, addressed from one corporation to another, to be delivered instead to social welfare agencies that work with children, during a holiday like Easter or Christmas, with the name and address of the social welfare agencies replacing the originals on the packages."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CIGS health
US$120 workers
"Devise coupon stickers for free packs of cigarettes and glue them onto boxes of children's cereal (and other products) manufactured by tobacco companies. Do this in such a way as to obtain wide coverage in the media for the fact that some tobacco companies are also trying to sell to children noxious or unhealthy products other than cigarettes."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SOFT edu
0 workers
"Create a website to show the effects of the corporatization of education by making explicit a large corporation's unspoken policies. The website should highlight the way in which corporations pervert education for their own purposes, until it is no longer recognizable as such. Done! See!"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ROBO comm
US$300 workers
"$1000 needed to build new 'robotic objectors' that will paint slogans automatically. Click here for full details, including pictures and video of a prototype.."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CRYS media
0 workers
for "a print journalist who can use the Language Crystal to create two or three simultaneous readings of a story, or make it possible to read the story in another language (see Zukofsky's translation of 'Catullus,' which reads simultaneously in English and Latin)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BSTR intel
0 workers
"Blockbuster edits the content of many of the videos they rent. Rent edited tapes and record the original versions onto them--the object being to get caught, so that Blockbuster presses charges (perhaps for vandalism)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SCAN corp
0 workers
"Create and distribute a product scanner that accesses a database and shows instantly the terrible practices involved in making the product scanned. In addition, the machine prints out a label customized to the product, that can be glued to the product's packaging on the spot."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PPCP US$1000 workers
"A worker at a paper-cup manufacturer must cause a shipment of cups to bear one of two things, prominently: the likeness of any widely despised historical figure, or extremely off-color jokes. The cups must reach store shelves before being discovered, so it would be best to alter cups that are already adorned with something not entirely different, say a likeness of a baseball player or weak jokes."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CLTH 0 workers
to "alter an ad for a trendy, major-name clothing brand so that it shows a model smoking or peddling crack cocaine, or, alternately, shows a model being killed for their clothing. Preferably, all models in the ad should be white. The ad should appear in a major magazine and reach store shelves."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project WN95 intel
US$500 workers
to "alter the bootup splash screen of a popular computer operating system so that the logo of a rival company, or a rock, is displayed smashing through it instead. A worker in the assembly or testing departments of DELL, Gateway, Compaq, etc. could, after testing, overwrite the existing splash screen file with a new one, which can be provided by RTMARK upon request. A number of the computer/operating system must be sold thus, and it must be reported in the press."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project TAGA quick
0 workers
"Use the Tagamatic developed in project ETCH to permanently etch the words 'void where prohibited by law' on that glass case that holds the United States' most sacred document."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project AUDB edu
0 workers
"$1000 needed to subvert an audiobook leasing company (they distribute latest bestsellers, including a heavy list of corporate/conservative titles to hundreds of truckstops and public libraries across the country) by recording over every cassette of a certain highly anticipated right-wing title with Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, or Michael Parenti, etc. Worker will keep log of where these tapes are going, and local monitoring of infected racks can be administered. Get media attention in all cities where 'discoveries' are reported, and interview the 'victims'."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NAME net
0 workers
"If you buy things or simply request information from many web sites, they will put your name on a list and sell it to other e-commerce interests without your knowledge. Set up a website that tracks the sale of personal email accounts by submitting unique email addresses to suspect sites. When you receive unsolicited mail from 3rd parties with the unique address, you will know who originally sold the name. Heavily publicize your findings on your site and in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PINO media
0 workers
"Remake of Pinocchio, in which he goes to Disney Land, and rather than being transformed into a pack animal, he becomes a real, live boy... who just happens to be from a Third-World country. He and several other kids are then taken to factually accurate animated representations of Disney's Third- World sweatshops. In the end Pinocchio is beaten to death by the guards for attempting to take one of the shirts he was forced to manufacture."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SOUV edu
0 workers
"We will produce a series of anti-souvenirs that will educate tourists to Hawaii about social injustice here and raise funds for Hawaiian activists. We will need about $2,000 to replicate the prototypes which are already made. We could also use more volunteers to help assemble the product, and more souvenir dealers who might be interested in purchasing them."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project KINK 0 workers
Put together a 8 1/2' x 11' flyer featuring the Kinko's logo (click link to download) with a message of 'Thank you for your patronage' or the like - all on the background of a gay porn photo or something equally obscene to the business world. Make many copies of it and insert them upsidedown into the paper trays of their self-serve machines. Shocked patrons will find their self-serve copies having a nice Kinko's thank you on the reverse side. Kinko's can subvert itself for 6 cents a copy."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NUKE enviro
0 workers
"Nuclear weapons accidents occurred with disturbing frequency in the heart of the American landscape, yet little is commonly known about them due to Cold War security restrictions and corporate disinformation campaigns. To counter this silence a series of interactive markers will be placed in weapons accident zones."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NIKE labor
US$300 workers
"Place 'Sally Struthers'-style leaflets, detailing the poor working conditions that exist for those who assemble athletic footwear, in major-brand athletic shoes, their shoeboxes, or the shoppings bags containing them, before or as they are being sold. Workers in many cities are being sought to plant the leaflets on an agreed-upon day, especially in 'flagship' stores. A press release will be issued by RTMARK to call attention to the event."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BRTR quick
0 "Go into a store or fast-food chain, and attempt to barter for goods/services. Offer to trade livestock--best if you actually bring something like a live chicken into the store."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EPCT etoy
0 workers
"Picket eToys, Inc., headquarters in Santa Monica, California, carrying banners decrying eToy's corporate tactics against etoy, and distributing leaflets to eToys employees and passers-by. Turn away delivery trucks. Ensure coverage in local media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MACD 0 workers
"Change famous McDonalds signs, possibly all in one city, all in one day, to read 'Billions and billions SLAVED'."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BANN net
0 workers
"Create hilarious or stupid/offensive ad-banners for corporate websites. Try to place them in link-exchange or likewise. ('I've never gotten fucked like in the new Audi TT!') One strategy might be to first create some nice average homepage banner and after a while change the motif and the destination."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project GAST high
US$2500 workers
for "an employee of one of the three largest car manufacturers in the U.S. who causes at least hundreds of cars to be shipped with gas tanks that have a capacity of between half a gallon and a gallon of gas only (the cars should be able to go about eighteen miles before refueling). At least some of the cars must be sold, and the media must report on it."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EFLD etoy
0 workers
"Successful! Click for info. eToys are nothing without their website. Bring down that website (and those of eToys' subsidiaries) periodically by using the Virtual Sit-In tool. eToys shares will fall tremendously. A good time to start might be during the ten days before Christmas. (Watch this page for updates.)"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CARR edu
0 funds
"During the Republican National Convention, a horse carriage driver will give conventioneers narrated tours from hell. Choice of tours: God in Colonial Times; Sex, Drugs & Violence in the 18th Century; Homeless in Philadelphia; Bill of Rights; Death & Dying: Hospitals Then & Now; Ethnic America in Colonial Times; The Real Ben Franklin; and Crime & Prisons in America. Some tours include visit to a church, sex shop, corrugated cardboard box village, hospital, or a gallop around the new prison. Investors will receive free video, 'The Best Horse Carriage Tours of the Republican National Convention in the Year of Our Lord 2000.'"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BANK quick
0 workers
"Subvert the whole meaning and concept of money whilst using it in its true sense. In UK, bank notes carry a promise that who ever owns that note will be paid that amount in sterling at the head bank. Get as many people as possible to demand this sterling and then send them out to high street shops to try and purchase items with the sterling. Would need high press coverage (perhaps a comedy show) and if you got an exceptional amount of people could pose financial problems for banks to lose so much sterling. May have interesting outcomes in that selling back Ģ5 of sterling may only get you Ģ1.70 in return cash."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MARR high
US$200 workers
"Since U.S. corporations are by law U.S. citizens, it should be possible to marry one. Successfully marry an actual corporation, so that the marriage is legally binding; the event must be reported in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project WART magx
0 workers
"Create a social movement whose ultimate goal it will be to manifest, through the power of popular will, genital warts on George W. Bush. The would-be president will be infected with this unpleasant condition through mass mailings, a web site, and the creation of art depicting Bush with the condition. In this age of plutocracy our aim is to point out the uselessness of the voting booth in actualizing real, material changes, and to explore new possibilities for democracy."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PICK labor
US$500 workers
"Get rich white guys in sports bars to pick oranges and pay for it by inventing a video game that activates telepresent robotic labor. Disguise the fact that game players are engaging in labor by camouflaging the game as a first person shoot-em-up. Donate video game profits to the UFW. This project could be accomplished by staging it for the media, but in that case the investment capital goes directly to the UFW."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ZOHR quick
US$200 workers
to "take the book of any major pulp writer and, keeping the jacket the same, replace the entire inside text with the Koran or the Zohar. This might be accomplished by some skilled bookbinders and a cadre of volunteers in different cities."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CGME intel
0 workers
"Create and distribute a computer war-game in such a way that purchasers believe it is just another violent entertainment. The game-play must resemble that of a 'normal' war-game, but must unexpectedly and shockingly convey the connection of commercial video game technology to actual war."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project COPS magx
0 workers
to each policeman in a major city no smaller than Chicago who "for at least five days, between the hours of six and eight oíclock, at least ten times each day asks a businessman in a suit and tie for his identity papers and then informs the businessman that there is a curfew of 6 p.m. for affluent men. The policeman must say, ëSo why arenít you home with your wife?í"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project DLRA 0 workers
"Hack into conservative radio talk show host 'Dr.' Laura Schlessinger's website and place nude photos of her (readily available on the web) on the site. Bonus points to anyone who can get on her show, live, and ask her about the nude photos (1-800-375-2872 between 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project JCSX 0 workers
"Religious iconography, perhaps more than any other visual input, determines our sexual tastes, even today. In the interest of societal psychoanalysis, create and maintain a website which makes this fact manifest by means of still images of erotically charged religious art (old and new), live erotic performances (visitor can play St. Sebastian's ex-lover and shoot the arrow, or Pontius Pilate can wash virtual hands), etc. Site must be respectful and in no way derogatory of any religion."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EUNN etoy
0 workers
"Since the etoy/eToys lawsuit endangers eToys and hence its employees' jobs, and directly endangers the jobs of etoy.AGENTS, secure union backing to fight against the loss of jobs created by the lawsuit."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SALE magx
0 workers
"Rent a neighborhood grocery store that is going out of business, and offer to purchase his remaining goods and clear out his store for him. Announce 'New Owner--New Policy--Big Get Acquainted sale' and sell everything at ridiculous prices: six pack of Coke for a quarter, dozen eggs or loaf of bread for a dime, etc. Give advance notice to the media, as the store will be cleaned out within a few hours. Switch signs--'Moved To New Location'--and repeat."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BILL net
0 workers
"Launch a website dedicated to making fun in an entertaining way of a seemingly omnipotent corporate figure (Bill Gates?). Get the figure angry enough to sue, generating massive media coverage. (See Virtual Bill Clinton for an example, at"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project DOOM 0 workers
"Create a level or version of the video game Doom set in Littleton High. You're the guard at Littleton, or you're Darryl Klebold. Or, in the networked version, you're up against the world... Can you make it out alive? Do you want to? Widely distribute the game."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FCCA media
0 workers
"Replace a frequently aired commercial on a major market radio station with an announcement from 'station management' that the FCC has pronounced the Telecommunications Act of 1996 as being 'in poor taste. (The station's corporate owner) has been ordered to turn the station over to the public interest effective the first of the following month. Anyone with suggestions as to what to do with the station should call (the corporate owner's CEO) at (his or her private number).'"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CARE 0 workers
"Get corporations to sponsor patients within the health care system, using the patient's progress as a form of advertising."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CARD magx
US$180 workers
to "alter ordinary supermarket greeting card displays to reflect concerns that are never reflected in such displays (e.g. the virtues of eating free-range pork meat, the marriage of one's non-native boyfriend, or the execution of one's soulmate). Amount offered will depend upon specific project. (Cards may also simply be added to displays rather than altered in manufacturing.)"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EPRT etoy
0 workers
"Start a website 'Parents Against eToys' to communicate widely that the company is proactively anticultural. Do you want your children to live in a world without culture, fun, education, art and irony? The aim of the website should be to make clear that the eToys vs. etoy case is not about art-world solidarity or the international law of domain names, but about the balance of power in the emergent virtual world culture, which will determine the character of the world of our children. If the electronic vandalism of eToys triumphs, the WWW will become a totalitarian consumerist anticulture instead of the powerhouse of ideas it still to some extent is."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SCTT comm
0 funds
"$2,000 needed to build a new 'Shopping Cart 2000'--a portable projection booth used to project culture jamming videos and films onto high rises. A test model has been built and implemented (click here for more information); the new model will be able to project a huge image, and will have an excellent sound system."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FORM quick
0 workers
"Enter a large corporate organization such as a department store or bank, and require management of this organization to fill out a form. Refuse to leave until the form is properly filled out."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MENT health
0 workers
"We would like to use domains like and to protest the profiteering of the mental health industry, and to reveal the damaging trauma often caused by the treatment itself. We are especially interested in emphasizing the social and family violence precursors to mental illness, and in protesting diagnosis of problems in living--or even bad behavior--as brain diseases that need commercial treatment."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PATA media
0 workers
for "a news-wire worker who can successfully invent irrefutable pataphysical stories, or substitute amateur film (or stock footage) for news footage"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PSYC 0 workers
$500 required for "broadcast quality video documentation of psychiatric disabled individual (myself) surprise meeting with past psychotherapist and aggressively confronting his direct role in forced imprisonment in mental hospital and life-long stigmatization and trauma. Video to be used as political statement against oppressive pro-capitalist psychotherapeutic police state in US."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NAFT front
US$300 workers
"Argue that a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Certificate of Origin form can replace the lengthy and difficult immigration procedures for the United States. If products are able to move between Canada, the US, and Mexico with the reduced or eliminated duty allowed under the NAFTA regulations, people should be allowed to move across national boundaries with reduced or eliminated migration regulations as well. You can find a copy of the form here. Several people must make it across the US-Canada and US-Mexico borders with the document, and their actions must be widely reported in the media."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project H2OM enviro
0 workers
"Put 'high water markers' up in exclusive seaside resort communities to show where effects of global warming will increase sea level in 10/15/20 years time." (Note: The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates sea-level rises of between 6 and 37.5 inches in the next 20 years.)
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SECC quick
US$200 workers
"It is possible to disable security cameras by affixing in front of them photographs that are indiscernable from their normal scene. Invent an easy way to affix such photographs in a very short time (five seconds) as you pass by the camera, and widely distribute the idea."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CYBG net
US$1000 workers
"Create and distribute a number of head-mounted computer devices similar to those used by the 'cyborgs' at the MIT Media Lab, that would track those cyborgs and report, via retinal monitor, on the MIT cyborgs' whereabouts and online activities."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FAIR media
0 workers
"Create a website that will catalog companies that rip off their customers and contractors/employees (inverting how TRW and Equifax tell any story about you to businesses). Such a website could catalog corporate misconduct and show patterns of fraud indicating corporate policy."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ECD1 etoy
US$100 workers
"Completed! Buy CD here, support! This CD contains music about the eToys legal battle with etoy."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SLGH health
US$750 workers
"Substitute copies of a video documenting slaughterhouse techniques or similar material for a porn video produced by any of the largest porn studios, especially those that don't follow safe-sex guidelines. Alternately, intersperse clips of such a video in the product. Other alterations may be considered as well."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EPC2 etoy
0 workers
"Online discussions are filling with hundreds of negative comments, and protests at the eToys website must be well into the thousands by now. Many eToys staff must feel that their superiors have made a mistake by infuriating the net community. To inflame these differences, create an informative flyer appealing to the staff of and distribute it before work in front of their headquarters in Santa Monica."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SITC media
US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a news bureau to substitute several minutes of old sitcom clips for news clips during a prime-time news hour. The clips must be shown, must be seen by a large number of television viewers, and must be extensively reported on."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NEWS media
US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a major metropolitan newspaper who significantly alters an issue (e.g. changes most of the article text) in an interesting way. A good number of issues must see the light of day, and the media must report on it."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EHIR etoy
0 workers
"eToys has reserved domain names,, and; they are interested in expanding into these markets, where they have to hire many new workers. In Germany and other countries, there is a considerable shortage of trained IT professionals. Create an ad campaign in IT journals in these countries not to hire with eToys. This might make it almost impossible for eToys to staff itself when the time comes."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ATMS high
0 workers
"Make a substantial number of street cash dispensers in a large city to (periodically, on Fridays) issue the message 'Nothing for beggars on Fridays' instead of cash. This must be reported by the mass media. Preferably, this incident should take place in Russia."Ý
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project TOXC health
0 workers
"Taint cereal boxes by inserting 'Danger! Radioactive!' caution tape and a warning to contact the EPA to determine if the cereal was grown with 'fertilizer originating from the Lowry Superfund site in Colorado.' The consumer is also instructed to report the tainted cereal to CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. (Colorado will have the distinction of growing crops in its own radionucleide-tainted 'bio-solids' from the Lowry Bombing Range Superfund site very soon.)"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PIGS 0 workers
"Release enormous hogs greased with petroleum at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, to run freely in the streets. They will be painted GOP or Gargantuan Oily Pigs. Enough should be released and enough mayhem should be created to get on the news."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project COP2 media
0 funds
"Subvert the 'Cops' TV show by issuing a free net-based legal commentary (by a constitutional law expert) that points out all the instances on the show when cops violate the Constitution. We're doing this now, but need some funding to sustain it. Combat cop-culture and transform trash-TV...while learning your rights."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ULTM magx
0 workers
for "a print journalist who uses the Ultimate Source"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NFLB 0 workers
"Drop, from a blimp flying over an NFL football game, a vast number of Mexican flags with a soccer logo on it, printed on tissue paper (or anything that will not injure on impact)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HOOV 0 workers
"The Hoover Institution is a right-wing think tank, which operates under the veil of Stanford University's objectivity. The project is to find a wealthy donor, who will offer to endow a similar left-wing foundation under the same auspices. If the university for any reason rejects this donor, it can be used as a means of discrediting Stanford for hosting Hoover."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ASSH 0 workers
"Write project suggestions to RTMark from any conservative angle. These might include attacks on the pro-choice movement, democrats, environmentalists, skeptics, etc. If they don't publish them on their website, make sure their inability to lampoon themselves while they spew all over everyone else gets lots of press."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CCTV quick
0 workers
"These labels will be pasted in great numbers in various inappropriate places (toilets, etc.). Donors are being sought to print many copies, or to fund such printing. If you wish to help by printing, simply download the labels and begin. Do post them as well."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ERET etoy
0 workers
"If you have purchased a product from eToys, return it. Buy instead from any of the alternative online stores listed here."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BABY high
US$400 workers
"Get a famous sportswear manufacturer (or any other large corporation) to agree, on broadcast or other public media, to sponsor the high-quality education, health care, etc. of a U.S. baby who would otherwise not have access to same--in exchange for having the baby tattooed with the company's logo in the womb or at birth."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HOOK 0 workers
"Target a movie that is very predictable and find a scene which can accommodate an insert of a nature contrary to intent of the scene"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BIKE enviro
0 workers
"In a community lacking in bike lanes, research the most intelligent route and mark it, including painting roadways and adding signage. A printed map should be distributed at local libraries, grocery stores, etc, and local media outreach should get the route publicized, and thus in use, before the transportation authorities can respond."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project DISN magx
US$200 workers
to "any group of twenty people who hop the fence at Disneyland, at different points around the perimeter, and simultaneously make a run for the security office/holding cell to turn themselves in. Maps of area available to interested parties."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project APPL health
US$200 workers
"Alter many boxes of 'Apple Jacks' and other children's cereals so that they read 'Rectal Puckers', etc.--to comment on the absurdity of implicit content claims. The boxes must be nearly indistinguishable from the unaltered item, and the media must report on it extensively."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project 9999 magx
0 workers
"Distribute a large number of 'Out of Order' signs signed by something like the 'Aesthetics maintenance division,' for posting on ridiculously ugly objects, including clothing, cars, people, buildings.... Seeking suggestions for the text, and volunteers to print and distribute the signs widely."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project GIUL quick
0 "Visit the Rudolph Giuliani campaign site (or other campaign sites of aggressive gentrifiers/privatizers) and sign up promising to volunteer and make contributions--using assumed names and e-mails, of course. Alternately, create and distribute a software robot that will do this."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project XPRN 0 workers
"Rent 'family' (Christian/right-wing) oriented videotapes. After all the credits, record a message from aliens that the television has been taken over and they are in control."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EBCT etoy
0 workers
"The aim of this project is to organize a large-scale boycott and grassroots campaign against eToys. As the etoy/eToys fight is driven by corporate greed, eToys should learn that bullying and censorship are not profitable. For those pressing e-shopping needs, any of eToys' large and small competitors can be used instead."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EREG etoy
0 workers
",,,, and other domains are available. Register them and use them to broaden even further the fight against eToys."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SQGE 0 workers
"The latest editions to the Canadian Endangered Species List are Squeegee kids (tattooed, pierced and combat-geared entrepreneurs who clean car windows at red lights for a donation). Make and distribute T-shirts with a caricature and 'Save the Squeegee Kids' caption to draw attention to the ludicrous anti-Squeegee-kid legislation being drafted on Ontario. The kids themselves would get shirts and would select media and politicians for publicity. Need about $700."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project URIN magx
0 workers
"A urinalysis lab worker should save and return as 'corporate property' all tested urine of new hires in a mass mailing to the CEO of a major corporation. The return of urine to its 'rightful owners' should be made into a highly visible press event."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project RUDY 0 workers
"Pull together a hip hop/dance track dissing Giuliani. Use audio samples of Giuliani's press conference about the averted transit strike in December, where he started going off about Marx and talking about how corporate profits are what help working people in the city."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ESNT etoy
0 workers
"Assemble as many Santas as you can (or even more) to protest eToys in your home town. Obtain press coverage."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HFLM intel
0 workers
DONE--released April 9. ("At least $5,000 needed for the second Illegal Art/Seeland CD release that will take copyrighted music from Hollywood films and create new art without consent from the copyright holders. Funds will assist in the replication of the discs and the mass distribution of the discs to the public.")
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FRNK 0 workers
"Make a list of the copyright-holding companies represented on the Frankentoon page. Make another list of mutual funds which have investments in these corporations. Contact the managers of these funds and suggest to them that, because of the threat to these media corporations presented by this attack upon intellectual property, the media firms may no longer be good investments. Deliver the same message to people who invest in these mutual funds."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project EHCK etoy
US$200 workers
"Hack into the website (or those of eToys' subsidiaries) and place a note prominently on the front page or the check-out page informing shoppers about the censorship in which eToys is engaged. Change toy descriptions to read 'By buying this toy you are also supporting eToys' attack on internet art.' Alternatively, change DNS lookup tables so that both '' and '' will resolve to the address of This would be most effective if it was done on the name servers of large ISPs, or at the authoritative nameservers for Must be covered in the press."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CAPT 0 workers
to "crudely or in any way at all destroy, mutilate, disfigure or otherwise render illegible all billboards or other ads that attempt to appropriate 'culture jamming' or vandalism for commercial ends--for example 'THE CAPTAIN WAS HERE!' ads for Captain Morgan Spiced Rum."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project ETCH comm
0 workers
"Glass etching cream may be screenprinted onto glass, leaving behind an image that cannot be removed. Design a small device that contains a screen, a squeegee, and glass etching cream, then print intricate and beautiful anti-corporate messages on expensive plate glass windows. Owner will have to decide whether to spend huge to replace glass, or leave message up." (Sample design here.)
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BBFM media
0 funds
"We are seeking $500 to pay for screening our film on prominently located billboards. Our film consists of a series of TV commercials, so slick and entertaining they could be mistaken for real, but questioning a buying/selling culture. We have gotten permission to use several billboards for this purpose. See for more details."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MAPS edu
0 workers
"Create a new map or globe of the world that shows multinational corporate borders, vectors and free trade zones instead of national boundaries. Map must make it into a grade-school geography textbook, or globes must be sent to several elementary schools nation-wide; either event must be reported upon extensively in the mainstream press."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project VRWR front
0 workers
"Develop a 'virtual worker' system that allows populations normally engaged in migrant labor to work over the web instead. For example, develop a telepresent robot that picks oranges or strawberries while being controlled through the internet. Then, unionize both the robots and the telepresent workers."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project WTOT 0 workers
"Insert advertisements making point by point criticisms of the WTO and its policies, and its effect on labor, the environment and human rights into slide shows shown prior to movies at major corporate theaters. This could be done either by purchasing the space, or if someone with access to the projection booth could slip them into the carousel."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project TMSQ media
US$600 workers
to "rent two top floor rooms each in three Times Square hotels on a busy weekend night at the height of tourist season in New York. From the hotel windows, hang giant banners which read: 'New York welcomes Saddam Hussein'. The banner must display prominently several logos of large companies or municipal entities. Alternatives would be to rent a plane trailing a similar banner, lay down an enormous Welcome Saddam doormat which could be unfurled next to football stadia (where the news helicopter could see it), project the image on the moon or on huge white buildings, etc."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project DIS2 edu
0 workers
"Five individuals should dress in theme park mascot outfits of their own design, enter Disneyland or Disney World, play with children and give them leaflets describing, in terms comprehensible to children, what is wrong with the revisionist history presented in these parks. Extra points to someone who gets into a loud altercation with Mickey."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CODE front
US$50 workers
"Export strong encryption software to as many non-NATO countries as possible, concentrating especially on the Middle East, China, and the former USSR. Strong encryption (especially above 128-bit) is classified by the United States military as a munition; therefore, this act constitutes treason under US law."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SURV quick
0 workers
"Wherever you find construction survey stakes, move them a few inches. This will not attract attention until they are re-checked later, usually when there is heavy equipment or manpower already in place. There may be metal stakes buried beneath wooden ones; move some of these as well."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project PARK enviro
0 workers
"To call attention to the lack of public transportation in Los Angeles (a lack deliberately engineered by three U.S. companies in the 1950s), install 'FREE PARKING' bags (identical to the ones used for 'parking holidays') on parking meters everywhere in the city, either via the local homeless, or by telling businesses to put them on their neighboring meters for an ostensibly official parking holiday."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SURR media
0 workers
for "a worker at a metropolitan newspaper who places a major story in a surreal or metaphysical context that is now consistently ignored."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project LOON health
0 workers
"Produce a documentary linking the increasingly harsh realities of the American workplace and economy to the rise in mental illness within the American population. Perhaps compare with European rates; perhaps also discuss 'official' corporate solutions--Prozac etc.--within this context. Film must be scheduled as part of a major regional film festival."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HOSP health
0 workers
"Set up a website, or brochures purporting to advertise a corporate hospital, specifically to treat patients affected by ailments caused by said corporations. (For example, the McDonalds Ward for BSE)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BUYS media
0 workers
"Launch a convincing e-commerce parody website that allows consumers to 'click-and-buy' a huge variety of absurd, politically charged, or spiritually abstract goods, such as unconditional love, the soul of Rupert Murdoch, blind complacency, or the revolutionary potential of the Internet. Ideal would be a 'sticky' site, which encourages consumer trance. Must receive media coverage."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SCHD net
0 workers
for "a worker at a very high-profile web site who substitutes shocking graphics or texts for standard advertisements or other features (they must remain in place long enough for thousands of visitors to see them)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project GOTM 0 workers
"Create and widely distribute stickers to be pasted over certain ads in magazines and elsewhere. One example would be to replace 'Got milk?' faces with that of Salvador Dali and his big milk moustache, with the text saying 'Got art?' The ultimate aim is to make this sort of action a very common practice."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project BRBI edu
US$50 workers
"'College Barbie' dolls, which come dressed as cheerleaders and are accompanied by a cheerleading tape, will be modified into 'Activist Barbie' dolls, which will come equipped with protest gear, including a sign upon which to put magnetic slogans; the tape will be modified so that Barbie's bubbly voice can be heard educating children about various social issues and teaching them how to protest. Estimated costs for the improvement and distribution of 100 Activist Barbies is $1449."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CPRN intel
US$125 workers
"Plant enticing pornographic videotapes in porn stores everywhere, with models such as (a super-well-hung) Ronald MacDonald, (a dementedly horny) Barbie, etc.--in other words, any trademark character which depends on its assumed virtue."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HELM 0 workers
"Register all of the available domains,,,, and for use in the next NC senatorial race. Work closely with other groups to create a mock political site to familiarize readers with Helms' political track record."

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