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Question Block 1 (Competition) Past projects / / The content / Research / Competition
Many people believe that the best candidate will win a campaign, the best corporation will dominate a market, and so on--in other words, that Darwin's theory of evolution, crudely understood, applies to human society and culture... or, in simpler terms, that might makes right. We at do not agree with this; we think that often, the winner in a market is the winner simply because he or she has might on his or her side, not because he or she is better or more deserving. is interested in learning more about this issue and how it could be investigated and shaped in a campaign. As usual, please feel free to ask more questions than these, and please let us know what they are so that we may integrate them into this list.
  1. To establish your demographic with regards to this question, please answer as honestly as possible whether the acquisition of money is your primary goal in life (in practical, not metaphysical terms).
  2. Are you willing to "go the distance" to fulfill your primary goal in life?
  3. How would you characterize a person whose primary goal in life (in practical, not metaphysical terms) is the acquisition of money?
  4. Do you think that those whose primary goal in life (in practical, not metaphysical terms) is the acquisition of money should be given more power than anyone else to "go the distance"?
  5. Are you aware that there are a great many people who answer "yes" to the above question?
  6. Of the people who answer "yes" to the above question, how many do you think count the acquisition of money as their primary goal in life (in practical, not metaphysical terms)?

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