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Question Block 2 (The Human People) (open)
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Question Block 2 (The Human People)
Almost all people--from human people as normally understood, to multinational and other corporations--agree at this point that government serves to express the will of the human people. We at feel, however, that it should not only express the will of the human people, but carry it out. These questions are aimed at eliciting ideas about government and what it could accomplish, if it served and helped human people in various ways desired and requested by the majority. We are interested in the responses of human people, as well as official responses from corporations.
  1. Do you know that "We the people" refers not only to humans, but to corporations?
  2. How can government better serve human people?
  3. Should non-human people be given more rights--freedom, for example--than they already have?
  4. Should non-human people have some of their rights--the right to free speech, bear arms, etc.--taken away?
  5. If so, will taking away non-human people's rights create a bad situation for human people?
  6. A good one?

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