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'eToys does have a money-back guarantee...'

The toy which Heidi Pollock, whose "Good Buy Girl" column appears at, did not buy at
This robot represents the $329 I did not spend at eToys this holiday season in purchasing the identical present for my younger brother's present.

As the computer buyer's advice columnist on iVillage I often tell my readers that any mindless group can put up web site and undercut their competitors but only the best companies are offer a reliable quality worthy of support. has shown themselves to be one of the unworthy. They have willingly abused the intent of US federal trademark laws. They have chosen to profit from the continuing unjustified power of Network Solutions Inc. They have aggressively sought to silence the creative voice of a thriving international art community.

I find to be in violation of the spirit of Christmas. I would like to remind everyone that does have an unconditional, unlimited, money-back guarantee which I urge you to utilize in order that we might all see many happy returns.

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