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Corporate aggression and the internet Past projects / The etoy Fund / similar attacks
Read about corporate attempts to silence John Does (anonymous protestors) in The Industry Standard, Duke Law Journal, The Corporate Counsellor
One year after etoy was carried to victory against eToys, we would like to help focus more attention on some other cases, many of them worse than the eToys case, all of them just as flimsy and as shamelessly flawed.

Without public pressure, none of these cases will be resolved except in
Censorship Resistant Publishing System live trial call for volunteers!
court--if the defendants can muster the financial and psychological strength to keep their identities alive. And that's a very big if.

Chocolate giant Ferrero ("Kinder Surprise eggs") attacks Austrian charity

Warner Brothers attacks (see also Potterwar!; other sites coming)

HMO Health Net attacks

New World Coffee tries but fails to silence its critics

British Airports Association goes after

In Germany, a leech attacks everyone
DVD Copyright Control Association attacks competing technologies attacks

Leonardo Finance attacks Leonardo magazine sort of accidentally attacks decides they really want it

A little gallery attacks its own art piece

Nissan attacks Mr. Nissan

Mattel attacks Matt Lavallee (Matt L.)

The parents of Jean-Michel Basquiat destroy a site about their son

CBS News attacks Evolution Control Committee

KidStyle attacks KidStyle-NYC

Volkswagen (of slave-labor fame) destroys ISP

JVISION weirdness

American Airlines attacks Ashcraft

Aetna Insurance succesfully closes down (a website critical of them)

Aetna U.S. Health Care succesfully closes down (a website critical of them)

Mattel makes some crazy pseudo-random threats

Coca Cola attacks some senior citizens (site)
Feb. 9: Coca-Cola sees the light (and the spotlight in their future)

A peanut butter giant attacks a 75-year-old cartoon (info here and here)
Autodesk, Inc. attacks
Feb. 8: Autodesk withdraws threat!

JCrew steals JKrew and won't give it back
Jan. 25: J Crew relinquishes!

Fox Agency destroys attacks

LA City Attorney attacks

Wall Street Journal attacks Small Street Journal

Gannett attacks

ToysRUs attacks Roadkills-R-Us

Ford Motor Co. attacks

E-Stamp attacks EStamps

Hasbro attacks Clue Computing
The Holy See swipes

PETA attacks PETA

More links here and here.

See also The Domain Name Rights Coalition

The Domain Defense Advocate undertakes coordinated letter-writing campaigns to help defend threatened domains--such as theirs was in 1998, by Colgate-Palmolive.

Lawyers: of course these cases are all flimsy and hardly based on law, but see this case and this one too for possible precedent.

See also this article about an attempt to make linking to "illegal" sites illegal.

And another in the "hunh?" category: at least one corporation has gone after an individual for naming a directory with the corporation's trademarked name.... Wait! That's not all! Now someone has been forced to rename a gif!

See also these links for information about SLAPP suits, another kind of flimsy case. And watch out for ICANN's new rules....

And see also the Yahoo list of domain name controversies.

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