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Leonardo Finance attacks Leonardo Past projects / The etoy Fund / similar attacks / Leonardo
Text of Transasia's demands (in French)!
Investment behemoth Leonardo Finance is suing 30-year-old art magazine Leonardo to prevent it from using its name. Leonardo Finance says that Leonardo has emerged ahead of it in search engine rankings, and that this isn't fair. (Under the Leonardo Finance precedent, ®TMark is preparing a lawsuit against The Post Potty Training based on these actual search results.)

A consortium of sites including ®TMark is determined to create for Leonardo Finance a public relations disaster even worse than eToys'. Development of this effort is planned in stages, with intensity building over the next several weeks.

Leonardo Finance search engine competition results as of February 28, 2000: theTM beats out Leonardo Finance on the following search engines, and more:
    Leonardo Finance taken over by!
  1. Yahoo
  3. Netscape
  4. Hotbot
  5. looksmart
  6. Dogpile
The stakes are huge, folks--start competing! (Easy way: copy this page to your server.)

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