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eToys wins game
Dec. 29 press release
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Dec. 24 press release
A press conference in New York
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We brought down www.eToys.com!
Dec. 12 press release
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Autodesk, the legacy of eToys
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The Archimedes Project
Project LOFT (Art Inspection)
Deconstructing Beck
Phone In Sick Day 2002
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Learn more about BMPB Project BMPB: Buy education
Links to other eToys vs. etoy resources
Here are some links that can help you bring the eToys share value down, and some images to spread around. If you're looking for somewhere else to buy toys online, click here.

Toys: Member

A revolution in on-line shopping! Next
Whole Ring
A revolution in on-line shopping!
Excellent thoughts from PigDog.org on convincing programmers to quit eToys:
www.pigdog.org/auto/special ideas/link/1091.html

eToys improvement system:

Main Campaign Site

From the President of the USA's Thanksgiving Address to the most powerful nation on earth:
"About four million American families will buy some of their gifts on-line for the first time this holiday season. I intend to join them, because on-line shopping has significant benefits not just for consumers and large established retailers. On-line commerce also opens a world of opportunity for local artisans and small entrepreneurs."

Would you Support the Scrooge? (Buttons, e-mail list, endorsements page, etc.)

Timeline, reportage, etc.:

An Open Letter to the Shareholders and Management of E-Toys:
www.lemurzone.com/ edit/opinion.htm

etoy exile site:



Boycott eToys:

Financial Support--much needed
www.toywar.com/ support.php3

DoS tools:
www.lamtar.com/guest/ %5b...%5d/fra/fake_toy

One tot's site:

toywar resistance network

Why Webmasters Should Care

eToys ate 'em:

Yahoo! category:
dir.yahoo.com/Business and Economy/Companies/Toys/Retailers/eToys/Consumer Opinion/

One hacker who really hates eToys: www.c0ke.com
and his latest victim: www.harp-industries.com (mirror here)

It's Just an 'S'! (source of "eToys sUcks" images)

More excellent thoughts from PigDog.org:

Toys For Sucker

A letter to eToys.com
www.violentnation.com/ gallery/threads/

Cosmic baseball game:

"Onwards into battle" (artist's rendition)

eToys - Where great ideas come to you!
geocities.com/ etoys-sucks/

Open Directory
dmoz.org/ Society/Activism/ Media_Activism/ Culture_Jamming/ etoy/

Boycott eToys! (newsgroups)
www.deja.com/ ~eviltoy/

Product request, and eToys' response:

Solidarity list (for sit-in):

Things that make us sick:

The usual sort of thoughts from Suck.com:

eToys wins prestigious prize:


And guess who this is?

Please click here for some similar battles.

A Christmas gift from Dominique Pierce:

'Twas the night before Christmas, and on every web site
Not a protest was stirring, no one felt the right;
The Thing New York were forced not to share,
In fear that the FBI soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of freedom danced in their heads;
And mamma with the TV, caught wind of the trap
Is Etoy settled down for a long winter's nap?
When out on the web there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to my windows I clicked through all the flash,
Banners explained about "clicking for cash"
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a corporate interest in what I held dear,
With a billion in earnings, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it was making me sick.
More rapid than eagles its investors they came,
And they whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
Now, Etoys! now, Amazon! now, Barnes and Nobles!
On, AOL! on Yahoo! on, All ecommerce foibles!
As dry spirit meets net art and ecommerce cries,
to old saint internic the lawyers do fly.
So up to the DNS the lawyers they flew,
With the sleigh full of etoys, they knew what to do.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the pipe a court decision came with a bound.
It was dressed all absurd, from its head to its foot,
And its implications were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of cash etoys had flung on its back,
And it looked like a peddler just opening its pack.
Its eyes -- how they twinkled! Its defense came with ease!
"Imagine if a child saw any of these?"!
Its droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And pictures of breasts and bombings etoys did show;
The stump of controversy held tight in his teeth,
Circular logic in shareholders heads like a wreath;
"Who cares about art? its all about money!",
Such slippery responses, like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right wealthy old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A denial of service, and only a twist of its head,
Soon gave me to know I had something to dread;
It spoke not a word, but went straight to its work,
And started sucking up net.art with such a jerk,
And now what has happened, everyone knows,
Free speech bumped off, annual earnings they rose;
The net became buisiness, all banners and credit,
court cases and lawsuits, of course they all fed it.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
Happy Christmas to all, and to a free net, good-night.

with respects to Clement Clarke Moore

Finally, what I got at eToys.com.

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