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Learn more about CRPP Project CRPP: Jail a corporation
eToys' staff, etc. Past projects / The etoy Fund / the campaigns / eToys execs
Here is some information about eToys and its officers that could be useful in accomplishing several of the projects in this fund. Please see also this information about eToys' financial matters.

Company physical and phone information:

3100 Ocean Park Blvd.
Suite 300
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 664-8100 Note: This voicemail system, like many, lets you pick people by last name. Try some common ones and let them know what you think....
Fax: (310) 664-8101 Note: The uses for a fax number are also many.
Customer Service Contact: 1-800-GO-ETOYS (1-800-463-8697)
   from outside the United States 1-310-664-8530
Kilroy Realty, eToys building owner (e-mail, other info)
          A letter to Kilroy Realty

eToys executives (Company Management page):

Investor Relations (investor e-mail form; general e-mail form)

Company profile

Subsidiaries of eToys:
UK launch - eToys' international expansion was initiated with the launch of its kids' retail Web site in the United Kingdom on October 20, 1999. The Web site has been designed specifically for the UK and will serve as a beachhead for expansion across Europe. This year, eToys has also reserved several other European domains. They insist the timing of their attack on has nothing to do with desire to tap into a European market.
"BabyCenter, Inc. is headquartered in San Francisco. Our team of editors, designers, marketers, and technical staff is devoted to providing new and expectant parents with trusted guidance and all the products you need. The company produces, the Web's most complete information source on preconception, pregnancy, baby, and toddler, and operates the BabyCenter Store, an online store with thousands of products and supplies. BabyCenter is a wholly owned subsidiary of eToys, Inc." Sold!

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