Project BENC: Nice new benches
- Wired, April 16, 2003: Pranksters: Steal This UPC Code
- Wired, April 16, 2003 (above, in Japanese)
- Wired, April 16, 2003 (above, in Portuguese): Grupo oferece etiquetas da Wal-Mart falsificadas na Web
- Transfert, April 16, 2003 (in French): Un site américain propose de créer ses propres codes-barre
- blog, April 18, 2003: Shades of Abbie Hoffman in pranksters' barcodes site
- The Ecologist, Nov. 2002: Just Say Yes
- Harper's Magazine, Nov. 2001 (not online; transcript of speech)
- Fortune, Jan. 21, 2002: Will the Real WTO Please Stand Up?
- Business 2.0, April 2002: The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business
- CorporateWatch, Sept.-Oct. 2001: Say YES! to Corporate Stupidity!
- Der bitterlille, Nov. 2002 (in Norwegian): Ja-mennene slår til
- Marianne, Oct. 20, 2001 (in French; not online)
- Bizarre, Nov. 2001 (not online)
- Voice of Germany, Feb. 27, 2002 (in German): Die revolutionären Pläne der WTO
-, May 2003 (in Italian): L'arte degli Yes Men
- Transfert, Dec. 26, 2001 (in French): L´intrus de l´OMC (also here)
- Planet Internet, Jan. 3, 2003 (in French): Les Yesmen, rois du plagiat en ligne
- FHM, Nov. 2001 (in French; coming)
- Next Exit, July 2002 (in Italian): Hacktivism
- Megosteve, Oct. 18, 2001: Just Say Yes
- Helsingin Sanomat, Aug. 28, 2001: New wave demonstrators strike at Tampere textiles seminar
- Helsingin Sanomat, Aug. 28, 2001 (in Finnish): Uuden aallon mielenosoittajat iskivät Tampereella
- Transfert, Aug. 30, 2001 (in French): Un imposteur couillu se paye l´OMC (original here)
- Independent, May 25, 2002: 10 best sites of the week
- Transfert, Aug. 30, 2001 (in French; archived forum for above)
- Berliner Zeitung, Sept. 8, 2001 (in German): Hochstapler ohne Grenzen
- Cambio, Sept. 24, 2001 (in Spanish): La Organización Mundial del Comercio, en ridículo
- Aamulehti, Aug. 17, 2001 (in Finnish): Mullistavat kuidut ja uudet tekniikat jyräävät perinteisen kutomateollisuuden (newspaper website version--requires registration)
- Aamulehti, Aug. 17, 2001 (translated): Revolutionary fibres and new techniques replace traditional sewing industry
- Utne Reader, Sept. 12, 2001: Utne Web Watch
- Indymedia Israel, Sept. 12, 2001 (in Hebrew; translation of press release) (commentary here)
- The Spun, Nov. 9, 2001: Pranksters Impersonate WTO Rep
-, Sept. 2002: Unleashing the Collective Phantoms
-, Sept. 2002 (above, in German): Die kollektiven Phantome freisetzen
-, Sept. 2002 (above, in French): Réveiller les fantômes collectifs
- Digitoday, Aug. 23, 2001 (in Finnish): Älyvaatetutkimuksen riemuvoitto Impulssihaalari olikin karkea pila
- Digitoday, Aug. 23, 2001 (translated): Research on intelligent clothing going strong. The impulse overalls only a cunning prank.
- Vaikkutava, Aug. 23, 2001 (in Finnish): The Yes Men iski Tampereella
- Radikala, Sept. 5, 2001 (in Swedish): SÅ KLÄR MAN AV TEXTILDIREKTÖRER
- Libération, March 1, 2002 (in French): State of Emergency: la mondialisation expliquée à mon grand-père
- (forum), Aug. 31, 2001 (interesting thread)
- What Matters (list), Sept. 1, 2001 (Text appeared on many lists; this is just an example.)
-, Oct. 29, 2001 (in French): Politiquement correct
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