7#$$%""""""("("("("( "2"B"B"\x"(" "#*#"#"##$,######The Hiroshima Project - Research Database - Film - The Atomic Bomb in Japanese Film - index
by Barbara Geschwinde 1994 Thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy at the "Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität" in Bonn, Germany (Please note that for technical reasons this document has been preformatted. If this text doesn't look good on your screen, change the size of the fonts in your WWW browser.) THIS TRANSLATION IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!

1 Introduction

1.1	The atomic bomb and its aftermaths
1.2	Definition of the problem
1.3	Literature overview

2 About the problem of literature adaptation

2.1	Literature adaptation in general
2.1.1	The historical development of literature adaptation
2.1.2	The relationship between film and literature
2.1.3	The formal aspects of literature adaptation The paradigms "space" and "time" in film and literature	The specific means of expressions in film and literature
2.2	Literature adaptation in Japan
2.3	Literature adaptation of Kurosawa

3 The theme of the atomic bomb in films

3.1	The function of the "atomic bomb film"
3.2 	The birth of films with the theme atomic bomb
3.3	The atomic bomb in various national cinemas
3.3.1	The atomic bomb in Japanese cinema	The fifties	The eighties
3.3.2	The atomic bomb in American cinema
3.3.3	The atomic bomb in European cinema
3.4	The "Rashamen" genre

4 The film "Rhapsody in August" by
  Kurosawa Akira after the novel "Nabe no naka" by Murata Kiyoko

4.1	The author Murata Kiyoko
4.2	The director Kurosawa Akira
4.3	Themes and adaptations of Kurosawa
4.3.1	The film "Ikimono no kiroku" (A life in fear)
4.3.2	The Pair Theory
4.3.3	The film "Konna yume wo mita" (Dreams)
4.4	Structure and narrative technique in 
	"Rhapsody in August" and "Nabe no naka"
4.4.1	The plot of the film
4.4.2	The plot of the novel "Nabe no naka"
4.4.3 	The characters in the film
4.4.4	The characters in the novel
4.4.5	A comparison of the plots in film and novel
4.4.6	The narrative perspectives
4.5	Cinematic methods
4.5.1	Design and costumes
4.5.2	The level of magic in the film
4.5.3   The key-color	
4.5.4	The music
4.5.5	The sequences of the film
4.5.6	The narration: shots and montage
4.5.7	The central shot
4.5.8	The symbolism
4.6	About the alteration of the title
4.7	Reception of the film

5 In comparison: the film "Black Rain" by Imamura Shôhei
  after the novel of the same name by the author Ibuse Masuji

5.1	The author Ibuse Masuji
5.2	The director Imamura Shôhei
5.3	Themes and adaptations of Imamura
5.4	Plot and narrative technique in film and novel
5.4.1	The plot of the film
5.4.2	The novel "Kuroi ame"
5.4.3	The characters in the film
5.4.4	The characters in the novel
5.4.5	The plots in film and novel - a comparison
5.4.6	The narrative perspectives
5.5	Cinematic methods
5.5.1	Textual inserts
5.5.2	Design and costumes
5.5.3	The music
5.6	Titles of film and novel
5.7	Reception of film and novel

6 Conclusion and perspective


Index of Appendix

D.1.1 	Preface to the film protocols
D.1.2 	Japanese films with the theme atomic bomb
D.2 	Materials to "Rhapsody in August"
D.2.1	Staff and cast
D.2.2	Overview of characters in "Rhapsody in August" (scheme)
D.2.3 	Plots of "Rhapsody in August" and 
	"Nabe no naka"
D.2.4 	Protocol of "Rhapsody in August"
D.2.5 	Glossary to film protocol  of "Rhapsodie im August"
D.3 	Materials to "Black Rain"
D.3.1 	Staff and cast
D.3.2 	Diagram: formal tension in the film "Black Rain"
D.3.3 	Sequences of "Black Rain"

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