The 21st century's greatest crime is a corporate one
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Was the purpose of the U.S. free-looting policy to show poor Iraqis striking it rich at Saddam's expense, thus burying the war's real toll in a flurry of mediagenic images? Yes

Give a gift to freedom of speech

Free Colin Powell

Dow explains Bhopal!
and this explains everything...


The war on civilians - direct to your playroom!

Scariest document of the decade?
(Fairly scary as well.)

The military-new-economy complex... not really so new after all.

Sept. 12-14: ClearChannel paved Seattle

Bush's original plan against corporate crime
(and his entire original program)


R.I.P. ShowBus
R.I.P. ShowBus

R.I.P. Enron
R.I.P. Enron

On February 2, police funneled at least 20,000 protesters through the streets surrounding the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, where the World Economic Forum was meeting. The police allowed 2,000 of these to file directly in front of the hotel, from which the mainstream media were covering both the WEF meeting and the protest. The result? "About 2,000 protesters gathered under the watchful eyes of police."

The Infringement

Corporate ownership

   Can't we all get along?

Learn about protest from the Dutch police and from the Public Relations Society of America.

New projects in Genoa and Finland and elsewhere.

New fund: The Alternative Markets Fund.

Danone gets medieval, the WTO gets even worse. Meanwhile, at Harvard...

The planned economy and its tactics

Public space is often a problem.

A bottom-line principle? "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of herself/himself and of his/her family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in th event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his/her control." (Article 25, Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations)

Month of pies!

Bad ideas in that show? Get it cancelled! (Same goes for CDs!)

Of interest to subscribers: "Commercial Terrorism" and you

An earlier interpretation of the "Equal Protection" clause by the U.S. Supreme Court (this isn't the first time; from

In the case in which it was first called upon to interpret [the Equal Protection] clause, the [U.S. Supreme] Court doubted whether "any action of a State not directed by way of discrimination against the [N]egroes as a class, or on account of their race, will ever be held to come within the purview of this provision."91 Nonetheless, in deciding the Granger Cases shortly thereafter [in 1877], the Justices seemingly entertained no doubt that the railroad corporations were entitled to invoke the protection of the clause.92 Nine years later [in 1886], Chief Justice Waite announced from the bench that the Court would not hear argument on the question whether the equal protection clause applied to corporations. "We are all of the opinion that it does."93

For more on the subject of corporate personhood, click here.

Free Public Netbase

Vote Yourself! We know how to do it!

The world's leading institute for the development of free trade To learn more about who is in favor of global free trade, visit this list of businesses. To ensure the freedom of trade, they opposed the Religious Persecution Act of 1998, and also opposed sanctions against Indonesia during the East Timor fiasco last fall.

DeCSS contest!

Which would you choose?

Ralph Nader's first television message was rated the top advertisement on's website. His success got more attention than just the public's: MasterCard filed a lawsuit against Ralph Nader citing trademark and copyright infringement for parodying their commercial and using the word "priceless." "They should lighten up," Nader said. "They're taking their name 'Master' too seriously. This is America."

Censorship Resistant Publishing System live trial call for volunteers.

Read about Schmeiser v. Monsanto.

New Illegal Art release! "Following on the heels of the popular Deconstructing Beck and Extracted Celluloid compilations, Commercial Ad Hoc is the third installment of the Illegal Art compilation project (visit the website for track notes and mp3s). This time the television is on, commercials are playing, but the response is one of reverse consumption. They may feed us, but they can't control our output. From tape splicing to the latest DSP manipulations, the ever-rotating cast of pseudonym carrying Illegal Artists spit out 18 tracks of electronic experimentation, made almost entirely from commercials on your television. Riveting beats, ambient drones, fragmentation, and subtle collage techniques all rear their warped-yet-beautiful heads on this collection. As usual, this comes packaged in the budget-conscious white cardboard envelope. Co-released with Negativland's Seeland record label and Cha-Bashira (Japan). Sponsored by ®TMark."

See the satirical Elián video censored by the Associated Press. See also
     the original location, now with AP threat;
     another location that showed it;
     an article about it.

Click here or here to help form the U.S. Patent Office Public Advisory Committee!

®TMark Media Fund Manager Andrei Codrescu's magazine, The Exquisite Corpse, announces a new online issue. "This special issue introduces the New Orleans School for the Imagination. Applications are now being accepted. Read Lawrence Ferlinghetti on the State of Poetry, a never-before-translated play by Jean Genet, serial novels new and continued, Hariette Surovell's insider look at the women of the Cali Cartel, news from the revolution in Ecuador, the public art of Edie Tsong. Our Cafe is open."

Focus on other monsters even worse than eToys! Victory (yes, finally) for etoy! Click on CNN's banner (look familiar?) for more. And speaking of banners....

"One doesn't have to support sabotage of specific sites - and I don't - to recognize that the potential of the Web as an informational and educational environment is being sabotaged every day by those who only care about their spreadsheets. That's hacking, too." (Danny Schechter,

Were you harrassed by your school administration or by the police for participating in the Virtual Sit-in? Please write to us if so. As one harrassed student said, "One e-mail from a dot-com can result in the potential dismissal of a student. There is clearly something wrong."

Globalization in action: Crypto-Nazi Jörg Haider has justified his economic "ideas" (welfare cuts, no arts funding, flat tax) by saying, correctly, that it's just what's done or talked about in America. (Essay, news.) Now Haider adopts corporate American censorship standards and sues Articles (all in German) here, here, and here.

®TMark is seeking trade show booths and displays to use in promoting projects at trade shows and elsewhere. Please write us if you think you can help.

The story
®TMark's most high-profile franchise, March 15 to June 3: crime and cultural dividends.
MP3 by Jane Dowe and Illegal Art

Open an ®TMark franchise!
Much as ordinary corporations learn to cloak themselves in regional or (sub)cultural garb in order to better exploit a new market, so ®TMark casts its activities in various corporate contexts in order to expand acceptance of sabotage into new communities of interest.
To start your own ®TMark, provide us with a registered, hosted domain and tell us why you believe it would make a good location. Our expert designers will take care of the rest! a resource that should be widely used

®TMark wishes to thank the designers who contribute their time and other corporate resources to make and its regional franchises come to life. We hope you agree that their investment has been quite worthwhile.

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