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Here are some arguments you can use in your e-mail to eToys employees; it should be courteous, pleasant, and persuasive. Combine and rework at will, and please borrow from Disinvest! arguments too.
  • eToys promised to give back, but it has reneged on this promise. If eToys can behave this way towards a small group of artists, why do you think they care about you or your stock options? eToys management have made out like bandits during this crisis.

  • eToys management has made the name "eToys" synonymous with censorship, corporate greed, and stupidity on the entire Internet. Get out now, while the word "eToys" on your resume still means "I'm smart enough to know better."

  • Since eToys began this attack on the art group etoy, the eToys share price has fallen well below a third of its former value. The market says that eToys management has failed, but management refuses to fully correct its behavior by dropping the lawsuit, rather than just putting it on hold. Get out now, before they totally wreck your company.

  • The labor market in the L.A. region is very good for job seekers, especially in the high-tech occupations. It will be easy to find a better job. And in other sectors too, a change in employment is nowadays most often a change for the better.

  • Ethical behavior is an essential part of professionalism. In the face of massive public condemnation and a resulting 64% stock slide, your company is refusing to fully correct its behavior. Please consider carefully the ethical implications of continuing to work for eToys.

  • eToys' behavior has been (and still is) unAmerican. America is not a place where a very rich company should be able to use the law as it sees fit. An honest American should not work for a company that practices bullying and censorship.

  • Even if you can't quit eToys right now, if you agree with our struggle please help us out in whatever way you can. Speak with your colleagues, find out how they feel about this. Until eToys declares it will never try to destroy, your employer is a threat to civilized life in America and everywhere.

  • Your management has engaged a fight that has escalated beyond their expectation and their control. It is a fight they could easily have predicted and avoided. Instead, they chose to try to destroy a group of artists well known for such clever acts as the "Digital Hijack." A few minutes of research would have shown their links to some of the most committed and notorious activists and hackers on the Internet.
          The situation has escalated to a level where your company's management is desperate, and can only try to stall its opponents. We are using this time to organize for more intense and extensive fighting, which will surely end up permanently injuring your company.
          It is evident that it may have become a matter of pride for your management not to give in, with total disregard for what is happening to the company's image and stock. Your managers have very comfortable "golden-parachutes" in their contracts, so it does not really matter to them much if the stock devaluates or the company is damaged. But what about you?

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