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Jan. 25 press release
eToys wins game
Dec. 29 press release
A press conference in Los Angeles
Dec. 24 press release
A press conference in New York
A threat from someone at eToys
We brought down!
Dec. 12 press release
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Report errors in eToys' SEC filings
Complain to the Better Business Bureau
Speak to Rosie (open)
A letter to Kilroy Realty
One letter to eToys
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eToys' staff, etc.
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Articles about eToys vs. etoy
Corporate aggression and the internet
Autodesk, the legacy of eToys
The Presidential Exploratory Committee
The World Trade Organization
The Archimedes Project
Project LOFT (Art Inspection)
Deconstructing Beck
Phone In Sick Day 2002
The Zapatista Floodnet
The Secret Writer's Society hack
Popotla vs. Titanic
The Barbie Liberation Organization
The SimCopter hack
The Threat of Millennium
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Learn more about MYAM Project MYAM: Serve hamburgers in McDonalds
Speak to Rosie Past projects / The etoy Fund / the campaigns / other campaigns / speak to Rosie
Rosie O'Donnell is an important component of eToys' image.

"Our promotional alliances with The Gap, McDonald's and Rosie O'Donnell have connected powerfully with consumers." (Toby Lenk, CEO, eToys)

Let Rosie O'Donnell know what you think of that.

Also, speak to investors!

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