vogwurk + werdwurk
glimpsed: [] melbourne time

documentating and discussing the problem making that is vogging with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital.
oh, i'm adrian miles, rmit melbourne and intermedia bergen.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.



::qualitative methods::
earth - image link

qualitative methods in various disciplines. one of those scary, erudite, detailed journals that, well, is about qualitative research methodologies... for some reason i'm not surprised that it is in german and english.

qualitative methods
::9 Oct 2001 21:36::

earth - image link

studies in media and information literacy education, a uni. of toronto journal that appears to be free online. is new, and has lots of sort of applied media analysis stuff (simpsons and media literacy, etc).

::26 Sep 2001 20:19::

::writing instructor::
earth - image link

new journal out of purdue which is about networked writing. part of the largely us 'computers and writing' crowd, sort of rhetoric and advanced literacy teachers where such programs are more or less compulsory in us universities. victor vitanza leads off in their first issue (sept 2001) and he is a marvel to read, and hear.

writing instructor
::26 Sep 2001 20:02::

::torill mortensen::
earth - image link

torill is a friend of mine who teaches media at volda college, somewhere on the west coast of norway, amongst skerries and fjords. one of those norwegians that puts the lie to the joke about extroverted norwegians (what's the definition of an extroverted norwegian? he looks at your shoes when he talks with you). doing work on game playing, role playing games, muds, and media theory. has got a nice new house with lots of rooms so i can visit!

torill mortensen
::26 Sep 2001 14:06::

::gonzalo frasca::
earth - image link

well the url says it all doesn't it? huizinga and homo ludens, who'd have thought after all these years? murmur murmur. gonzalo is one of the pack of games researchers that have more or less hoisted their banner under ludology and ergodics (that's espen aarseth's work). gonzalo is a developer and player, with an infectious passion for his nascent field that tends to sweep all up.

gonzalo frasca
::26 Sep 2001 14:00::

::lisbeth klastrup::
earth - image link

friend who is a danish games and new media phd candidate. hangs out in københaven (that's scandinavian for copenhagen, gets me birch and blonde timber credit points at ikea that does) at their new it university. this is her blog, and a rather good and useful source of information and opinion it is too. jill walker and i spent a night at lisbeth's apartment and now i understand why ikea has all those knicky-knacky space saving devices. oh, shes made a moo that's a game too. lisbeth's blog is now at http://www.klastrup.dk/.

lisbeth klastrup
::26 Sep 2001 13:55::

::blue abuse::
earth - image link

site associated with totally hip that provides forums, tutorials and info. on interactive quicktime (interactive quicktime means using it for more than just delivering a constant stream). good info.

blue abuse
::26 Sep 2001 12:44::

::terry breheny::
earth - image link

terry breheny's homesite. bit of a qtvr wizard and you'll find some resources here. apparently there's a book on the way about qtvr too.

terry breheny
::26 Sep 2001 12:39::

::beta update::

have asked for some help from the livestage gurus on the searchers movie. the really simple problem is that i'm not sure how to troubleshoot the problem, since at the moment it works on my powerbook and crashes the player on all others.

what i've avoided doing is the rest of the movie. it needs at least another 3 movies built for the visual analysis. one movie will be about 'inside', one about 'outside' and the other 'between' doors. the problem and the sort of visual writer's block i've got is i can now make a movie that presents the relevant stills in their canonical sequence, and show each one in context. but this seems deeply inadequate. i need to contextualise the content and meaning of the images much more visibly and dramatically, and how to do this with, say, 30 images, in 600 X 400 pixels, with a file that works over a net connection. not quite sure how to build it. simple problem of visual literacy which is not about making it look ok but a visual representation that is also reveals something critical (critique) of the object of study.

i can see i'm going to have to use more words than i'd originally thought, which brings the project much closer to comic art than i'd first appreciated. at the moment it seems i can't 'do' the critique without recourse to words. that is one of the things that the project was intended to explore, so i guess i'm finding that one out.

beta update
::26 Sep 2001 9:31::

::phil agre::
earth - image link

Phil Agre's homepage, a lot of interesting work here and he's someone heavily involved in the Association of Internet Researchers.

phil agre
::25 Sep 2001 9:54::

earth - image link

from their own description:

"AZIMUTE (French for crazy, nuts) is a new website for online publishing of critical and theoretical texts. The site has begun with a focus on Deleuze and Guattari and is planned to rhizomatically engage in multiple and diverse realms outwards from this."

::25 Sep 2001 9:53::

earth - image link

is a dutch new media house that has written a divx codec for osx. apparently prefers 10.1 but who knows? to find it click on the brain in the flash intro (as of sept. 18, who knows next). of course you could always just use versiontracker.

::25 Sep 2001 9:50::

::totally hip::
earth - image link

the folks (that's north american for people but livestage is canadian and being australian the commonwealth connection here is nice) who make livestage pro. the best tool for interactive quicktime currently available. under the sun. on the planet. simply brilliant. i use this to make most of the vogs.

totally hip
::25 Sep 2001 9:50::

::quicktime authoring::
earth - image link

which is all about authoring in quicktime (you can tell from the path can't you? clever that). here you find links to all the embed tags that quicktime supports, tutorials on href tracks, streaming tracks, flash and quicktime, etc.

quicktime authoring
::25 Sep 2001 9:50::

::quicktime developer::
earth - image link

root developer quicktime site at apple. stuff about api's, programming and all that coding programming stuff that i have no idea about. but its from there that you get...

quicktime developer
::25 Sep 2001 9:49::

earth - image link

the root apple quicktime site. download latest player/plugin from here. and movie trailers.

::25 Sep 2001 9:49::

::flaherty seminar::
earth - image link

an international film seminar in new york city. has digital flaherty, archives, and runs seminars and what not.

flaherty seminar
::25 Sep 2001 9:48::

earth - image link

a European internet film journal.

::25 Sep 2001 9:48::

::beta one::

have placed a first beta version of the searchers project online, copyright problems and all (they're the least of the worries at the moment).

http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/searchers/searchersmenu4.mov [is supposed to work in quicktime 4.1 or better, but that's apparently not the case]

http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/searchers/searchersmenu5.mov [requires quicktime 5 or better]

both of these work fine for me on a macintosh, 10.0.4 and quicktime 5.0.2. they even work surprisingly well from home over a 56k line, which is very pleasing. but i can't get them to run at all on 9.1 using quicktime 4.1.2 or quicktime 5, and i'm not sure yet if anyone else has been able to see them either.

beta one
::21 Sep 2001 8:09::


now nearly a day of fiddling in ceres and it is rather addictive. the scripting language seems to suggest a lot of power and possibilties, though the documentation (it is beta isn't it?) is a little thin. i'll hunt through the examples provided...

what i like and am enjoying is that for someone familiar (happily familiar) with storyspace there is not a large leap to using ceres. so the notion of multilinearity is comfortable and poses no great questions. what is novel is the tone that i'm adopting. ordinarily when i write in any text app that is not visibly online (email, html or MOOs my tone is quite different. authorial, authoritative, academic, scholarly, teacherly (yeah, right), and various other 'formal' modes of utterance. blogs have changed that dramatically with a much more informal tone but with some of the hallmarks of print literacy. it resides in the public domain, they are authorial to the extent that they are written and published, and they career the imprimateur of semi permanence and care that email and other more 'oral' forms of electronic literacy don't quite get to.

so i find myself already addressing my audience of 4 (hi jill, mark, erica and rupert - and 2 of those have to read this to know what their teacher is doing!) and so it is a forum for my ideas, for me, but with enough window dressing to survive elsewhere.

::18 Sep 2001 22:22::


well, i'm moving the notes, ideas, nonsense and ruminations into eastgate's beta software ceres. and this is my second go at writing that, since in experimenting i've managed to delete the first node, ah, the trials of new software (i lost it not because it's beta software but because i pressed delete at an inopportune moment).

::18 Sep 2001 22:21::

adrian.miles@uib.no | adrian.miles@rmit.edu.au