glimpsed: [] melbourne time

documentating and discussing the problem making that is vogging with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital.
oh, i'm adrian miles, rmit melbourne and intermedia bergen.

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chris willerton
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chris willerton wrote an interesting paper on hypertext and mystery writing for the 2000 hypertext conference, and if you've got access to the acm library you'll find it somewhere around here. he also has a small list of links.

[Wed 26 Feb 2003]

a vog again
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mark hancock has attached a vog to his blog!

[Sat 7 Dec 2002]

henning ziegler
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homesite of henning ziegler, this is the person i had a brief critical exchange (good natured i add) with a couple of months ago.

[Fri 6 Dec 2002]

david silver
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david silver is a young and very active researcher in cyberculture studies. maintains the resource centre for cyberculture study.

[Tue 3 Dec 2002]

russel naughton
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russell naughton did his phd through rmit and this is his link list which points to a lot of stuff on cinema, interactive cinema, etc.

[Fri 22 Nov 2002]

david miall
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david miall is a canadian theorist who works in empirical research and reading. he co-authored a paper on hypertext and reading that i have substantial problems with (and having said that i guess i'll have to return sometime soon and point out what those problems are). having said that there is a substantial body of quantitative research here.

[Tue 19 Nov 2002]

collin gifford brooke
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collin is someone i met a couple of times during 2000. once at the computers and writing conference (i think) in ft worth texas (aka cowtown), and then later at dac2000 in bergen. each time he was presenting some recent work about ergodic cinema.

[Tue 12 Nov 2002]

doug lawson
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doug is editor of the blue moon review, author, general interesting sort of literary person. great example btw of the contemporary homepage for the digitally multiliterate.

[Tue 24 Sep 2002]

caitlin fisher
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caitlin won the elo prize for literature (these waves of girls) in 2001 and teaches at york uni in canada. interesting mix of lit and theory going on here.

[Mon 23 Sep 2002]

matt kirschenbaum
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matt kirschenbaum is a friend of mine currently at the uni. of maryland. he's very active in the association of computing humanities as well as having organised some recent panels on new media and hypertext at the annual mla fest (modern language association). matt is one of the those peers that i measure myself by - exemplary scholarship with a compassion for this subject matter that, well, is sorta sparkling.

[Tue 17 Sep 2002]

andrew mactavish
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andrew mactavish is a new media humanities computing sort of canadian. got drunk on his whiskey with him and his mates once at a conference. so a fine time had by all. probably helped that we were all foreigners in america at the time too. he has been instrumental in setting up a new media curriculum that combines theory and practice, and is currently examining some streaming media work.

[Thu 30 May 2002]

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this is the work of garry sheppard, a melbourne person (and currently artist in residence at rmit's i cubed). it is a large site about the history and practice of the techno scene in melbourne. he has an enormous archive of material that's he's building into the site. he's also an animator and roboticist (is that what you call someone who makes robots?).

[Wed 29 May 2002]

greg ulmer
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greg ulmer, uni of florida, author or teletheory, applied grammatology and heuritics. major theorist. teletheory's a personal fave. though could do with less derrida.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

jay ruby
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jay ruby's home page. jay ruby is a cultural anthropologist who has been very influential in the field of visual anthropology. i've got him blogged in here because of his oak park project, a sort of applied web anthropology project.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

craig bellamy
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this is the work of craig bellamy, an rmit student who is doing an innovative phd that combines thesis and project. is sort of a bottom up rich media oral history project of fitzroy, a gentrified inner melbourne suburb.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

ken wark
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australian cultural studies sort who does a lot of work on political/cultural economy and new media. currently new york based.

[Mon 13 May 2002]

jeremy welsh
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digital artist based in the art college in bergen (bergen kunsthøgskolen) who is a friend of mine. he has the sort of work space that, well, envy is too weak a word ("the view", he murmurs, "the view...").

[Thu 7 Mar 2002]

interview with greg roach
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interview with greg roach (hyperbole studios and that is dated but touches on a couple of issues and useful terms (for instance holographic narrative).

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

lev manovich
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lev manovich wrote the language of new media, a landmark work on new media which uses film and other visual arts as one of its key methodologies for addressing new media. sees databases and interfaces as two key aspects of all new media. the book is wide ranging, and often goes in odd ways where points are raised, you sort of think that x would be either counter or contribute to this and sure enough, several pages later x appears. so it seems to read like manovich thinking out loud, which once you accept that is ok.

on the other hand there are passages that are gems but also bits that are dramatically and tragically under theorised. at times arguments are made by analogy but the analogies are extended a very long way and then bought together as a conclusion yet it seems to have been forgotten through there that they're analogies! at times like this more careful argument is needed. the last chapter on digital cinema, while largely a reprise of previous work, is provocative and important.

[Thu 3 Jan 2002]

marie-laure ryan
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marie-laure ryan is a narratologist who works on electronic literature, games, and those sorts of things. edited a good anthology and authored some excellent essays.

[Wed 12 Dec 2001]

lisa gye
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lisa gye's home page. lisa is an academic at swinburne university who works in new media, hypertext, digital culture sort of stuff. one of the best teachers i know.

[Mon 10 Dec 2001]

anna munster
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nsw new media artist, teacher, and researcher.

[Fri 30 Nov 2001]

jeffrey shaw
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australian who works in interactive cinema. is involved in the nsw interactive cinema project, as well as various european vis.arts new media type research thingymajigs. ambitious interesting projects.

[Tue 27 Nov 2001]

ben waggoner
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what he doesn't know about video compression doesn't exist.

[Tue 27 Nov 2001]

dirk hines
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serious photomontage + collage + temporal interaction work. was also someone who at some past moment had an excellent blog on new media or at least digital visual aesthetics, also documented and described his practice (lots of the objects he gets at auction via ebay. this is good work.

[Thu 15 Nov 2001]

karl sims
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computer graphics developer type person who works in cgi for the film industry in boston. has developed some impressive interactive installation pieces in the past.

[Thu 15 Nov 2001]

jeremy hunsinger
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works at the centre for digital discourse and culture at virginia tech. has a huge bookmarks page, is involved in the centre for applied technology in the humanities (cath and iath in the same state, either forward thinking or serious rivals, mmm). does internet research stuff (you visit and figure it out :-) ).

[Fri 9 Nov 2001]

lloyd rutledge
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works as a researcher at cwi multimedia and human computer interaction and is a smil expert.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

gunnar liestol
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oslo academic who has done plenty of work around interactive media and more recently has had some students working on hypervideo.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

john thackara
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dutch based designer and thinker on flow, info tech and design. doors of perception is his and the conference he runs via doors of perception sounds excellent. (haven't been but heard good things about it from one person.)

[Wed 7 Nov 2001]

maureen thomas
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senior creative research fellow at the interactive institute and the creative director of cambridge uni's moving image studio. a dramatist who is working in ict, primarily in relation to narrative. directed/wrote vala, an 'interactive hypermovie' which models some of her ideas. vala has 2 hours of video and music and uses a real actor and various designers/programmers. from the postcard:

vala is an interactive non-linear hypermovie, where the storyteller, vala, guides you through the viking 'runerow' of characters into navigable narrative landscapes... should get to her.

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

jesper juul
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danish researcher and games designer currently based at the IT university of København who does great work on games, narrative, and how games aren't narrative. email him at

[Thu 25 Oct 2001]

victor lombardi
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another ceres' beta-tester, blogger, site designer and information architect. the blog's a treat, but wait, there's more! there's stuff about sound on the web, photography, and notes on hci and interface design.

[Wed 17 Oct 2001]

dr hugo
earth - image link and sort of telematics-of-the-mind (not sure but seems to be a new age meets new media with a dash of synaethesia-as-inner-space). has some interesting content but after a quick perusal i can't tell if it's ironic or not. which if i were being in a smugly post conference cocktail question kind of mood would let me say something like being quintessentially postmodern, this ironic mode.

ah, turned off the mute on the powerbook. it isn't ironic. :-) love the rollover brain hemispheres. sort of's jeff koon?

[Tue 16 Oct 2001]

andrew murphie
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andrew is a nsw new media theorist who's interests cross over quite a bit into my own. we caught up at a symposium in sydney (code and craft, about post digital cinema) a couple of years ago, and he used to have a lecture online on music as the major trope of hypertext that i've quoted quite a bit. anyway, in finishing off the essay i've been writing (on links, excess, and realism) for a u.s. journal there are a couple of dead earls.

my immediate response is to leave them dead. after all the reason bibliographical citations of web resources have a date of access is to acknowledge the volatility of this content. more than this though is the recognition that things pass in this medium, and that when we write in and with this medium this is a condition of our writing. goodness knows hundreds of my own pages have shifted their urls, disappeared, or simply had their content rather dramatically change.

the editors, however, see things differently. so in my search for andrew murphie i've found his very elegant new homepage which contains links to deleuze and guattari resources (thank you), as well as one of the best course introduction pages i think i've seen on the web. has a blog like utility and design as well as a conversational tone that, well, i think i'll adopt. :-)

[Tue 16 Oct 2001]

martine corompt
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melbourne based new media artist who combines an interest in popular culture with animation histories to produce visual and installation pieces.

[Mon 15 Oct 2001]

grahame weinbren
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grahame weinbren is someone who has been making interactive movies for some time. significant work, and he's written some intriguing and valuable essays.

[Mon 8 Oct 2001]

torill mortensen
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torill is a friend of mine who teaches media at volda college, somewhere on the west coast of norway, amongst skerries and fjords. one of those norwegians that puts the lie to the joke about extroverted norwegians (what's the definition of an extroverted norwegian? he looks at your shoes when he talks with you). doing work on game playing, role playing games, muds, and media theory. has got a nice new house with lots of rooms so i can visit!

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

gonzalo frasca
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well the url says it all doesn't it? huizinga and homo ludens, who'd have thought after all these years? murmur murmur. gonzalo is one of the pack of games researchers that have more or less hoisted their banner under ludology and ergodics (that's espen aarseth's work). gonzalo is a developer and player, with an infectious passion for his nascent field that tends to sweep all up.

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

lisbeth klastrup
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friend who is a danish games and new media phd candidate. hangs out in københaven (that's scandinavian for copenhagen, gets me birch and blonde timber credit points at ikea that does) at their new it university. this is her blog, and a rather good and useful source of information and opinion it is too. jill walker and i spent a night at lisbeth's apartment and now i understand why ikea has all those knicky-knacky space saving devices. oh, shes made a moo that's a game too. lisbeth's blog is now at

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

terry breheny
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terry breheny's homesite. bit of a qtvr wizard and you'll find some resources here. apparently there's a book on the way about qtvr too.

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

phil agre
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Phil Agre's homepage, a lot of interesting work here and he's someone heavily involved in the Association of Internet Researchers.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001] |