glimpsed: [] melbourne time

documentating and discussing the problem making that is vogging with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital.
oh, i'm adrian miles, rmit melbourne and intermedia bergen.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.



earth - image link

sizzle is a bit of software written by henry mason that lets you author dvds. it is sort of almost command line and on the cheap, but if that's your interest (and can't afford other things) then it will apparently do the job for you. the online documentation is handy as it seems to offer a good dirty entrée to the world of dvd, something i know next to nothing about.

[Tue 10 Dec 2002]

new qt documentation
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this contains all the apple quicktime documentation. seriously gnarly.

[Tue 3 Dec 2002]

mysql on os x
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from the apple developer connection:

MySQL on Mac OS X is fast, stable, and straightforward to learn. Not as complicated as some databases, it is nevertheless robust enough for the vast majority of web development applications -- which is probably why it has become one of the most widely used open source databases available. This article outlines the many benefits (and a few drawbacks) of MySQL, and most important, provides detailed instructions on how to securely install it on Max OS X.

handy since mysql is pretty much the default database system you'd use with things like php or perl for projects. including things like database driven video sites.

[Tue 3 Dec 2002]

qt utilities
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a small software site that provides various utlities for making working with quicktime easier. includes a dv calculator, a tag convertor (for internet explorer and quicktime embed tags), a playlist maker, amongst other things.

[Mon 18 Nov 2002]

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this offers a comparison of features between different digital video formats for online work.

[Sat 1 Jun 2002]

timecode in qt
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picked up from francesco schiavon on the quicktime list:

To my surprise this baby runs in OS X.

Playing with it I learnt that it shows the current timecode in a modal window so that's kind of useless.

But I also found that if you take a note of the timecode of the first frame, then delete the current timecode track and then create a new one, you can enter the timecode of the first frame so it does not change, but when you add the new track you can make it visible. Then you can save your movie and enjoy the new timecode track you just added.

[Mon 11 Mar 2002]

movie works
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video editing come basic interactive editing/authoring tool. seems to support simple button stuff.

[Sun 10 Mar 2002]

looking glass
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new product in beta development that is a mac based video editor but also supports a basic set of sprite actions. might be a good intermediate level tool to use for student work.

[Sun 10 Mar 2002]

java detection qt
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does a search of the apple developers site for hints on how to use javascript to detect quicktime versions in browsers.

[Sun 10 Mar 2002]

codec shootout
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is a site that provides basic info. about different codecs. primary focus is online delivery. it's a standard test at a common datarate for each codec with a listing of file sizes...

[Mon 4 Mar 2002]

qt chokespeed

You can reserve bandwidth for your HREF urls by specifying the original movie in the QTSRC parameter and setting QTSRCCHOKESPEED. This allocates a maximum bandwidth to the movie, reserving anything left over for other downloads.

For example, if your movie has a 30 kbits/sec data rate (roughly 3 Kbytes/sec), set QTSRCCHOKESPEED=33000, allowing for about 10% packet overhead. If your viewer is connected at 48800 over a 56K dialup, he or

she has 15800 kbits of available bandwidth for the HREFs. People with faster connections get faster HREF downloads, but the movie still plays in real time.

Of course, you still need to design your presentation so the movie and images can download in real time over the lowest bandwidth you choose to support. If the viewer has less bandwidth than you allocate in QTSRCCHOKESPEED, it will all still go to the movie.

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

smil home
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the official site for the smil spec. this is a w3c standard (world wide web consortium) and so is a consensus sort of document. quicktime and real player support smil, though real supports the implementation much better than quicktime.

[Tue 27 Nov 2001]

smil + qt
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this is an education site but has a good general tutorial come explanation of how to put quicktime on a page and how to use smil with quicktime.

[Tue 27 Nov 2001]

ben waggoner
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what he doesn't know about video compression doesn't exist.

[Tue 27 Nov 2001]

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commercial codec that is cross platform and provides very high quality at low bandwidths. in quicktime there's a free version you can install and use for compression, but it seems there's a commercial version available for $400 u.s. dollars.

[Thu 22 Nov 2001]

earth - image link

this is an open source codec that is cross platform and works very well for lowbandwidth data. and it's free, unlike sorenson.

[Thu 22 Nov 2001]

earth - image link

u.s. company that makes the sorenson codec. this is built into quicktime but there is a professional version of the codec that you can use. compressing with this codec yields much much better results, and the nice thing is is that it sitll just plays back (decodes) happily in the basic installations of quicktime with the basic codec.

sorenson 2 works with quicktime 4 or better. sorenson 3 requires quicktime 5. i've just got the version 3 codec and am about to start experimenting with it in some of the smil projects.

[Wed 21 Nov 2001]

cwi smil
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this is a list of smil resources and links from cwi (centrum voor wiskunde en informatica) in the netherlands. i think it is the centre for mathematics and computer science, and the media people there were instrumental in the smil standard.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

qt smil
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this is the apple quicktime site that has links to the smil extensions supported in quicktime. also has links to smil resources on the web.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

qt faq
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content written in 2000 that i came across, a series of basic quicktime question and answers. pity that it doesn't appear to be maintained.

[Mon 15 Oct 2001]

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french quicktime site. tools, resources, links.

[Wed 10 Oct 2001]

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the blurb: "Pageot is a utilty which generates embed and object Tags for QuickTime. It is only for MacOs."

[Wed 10 Oct 2001]

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software house that has some very good SMIL editing tools for mac and pc. also provides a lot of resources about SMIL authoring.

[Mon 1 Oct 2001]

blue abuse
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site associated with totally hip that provides forums, tutorials and info. on interactive quicktime (interactive quicktime means using it for more than just delivering a constant stream). good info.

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

terry breheny
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terry breheny's homesite. bit of a qtvr wizard and you'll find some resources here. apparently there's a book on the way about qtvr too.

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

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is a dutch new media house that has written a divx codec for osx. apparently prefers 10.1 but who knows? to find it click on the brain in the flash intro (as of sept. 18, who knows next). of course you could always just use versiontracker.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001]

totally hip
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the folks (that's north american for people but livestage is canadian and being australian the commonwealth connection here is nice) who make livestage pro. the best tool for interactive quicktime currently available. under the sun. on the planet. simply brilliant. i use this to make most of the vogs.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001]

quicktime authoring
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which is all about authoring in quicktime (you can tell from the path can't you? clever that). here you find links to all the embed tags that quicktime supports, tutorials on href tracks, streaming tracks, flash and quicktime, etc.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001]

quicktime developer
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root developer quicktime site at apple. stuff about api's, programming and all that coding programming stuff that i have no idea about. but its from there that you get...

[Tue 25 Sep 2001]

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the root apple quicktime site. download latest player/plugin from here. and movie trailers.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001]

flaherty seminar
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an international film seminar in new york city. has digital flaherty, archives, and runs seminars and what not.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001] |