glimpsed: [] melbourne time

documentating and discussing the problem making that is vogging with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital.
oh, i'm adrian miles, rmit melbourne and intermedia bergen.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


interactive media

game studies
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game studies is a peer reviewed journal, pretty much set up by espen aarseth, and is one of the better places to find content related to game theory.

[Wed 26 Feb 2003]

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from the press kit (and hey, i'm on the board so this is like totally gratuitous promotion): infLect is based at the University of Canberra Centre for Writing. The journal showcases creative work which brings together text, visual images and sound into a reciprocal relationship, and also writing which combines critical and creative content. Volume One contains new work by Jim Andrews, geniwate, komninos, Ana Marie Uribe, Jason Nelson, Thomas Swiss, Motomichi Nakamura and Robot Friend, Hazel Smith and Roger Dean, and Brian Kim Stefans.

[Mon 17 Feb 2003]

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the international centre for digital content. housed or attached to john moores universityand is between industry, research, and education. quite an innovative model by the look of it. they have an ma program, and it looks like the work with industry, to professional development, not sure what else. be a good place to visit if you're interested in education, new media, and research futures.

[Wed 12 Feb 2003]

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maryland institute for technology in the humanities, title sort of sums it up. a collaborative research centre. this is similar to what i'd like to try and do here at rmit.

[Fri 7 Feb 2003]

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lightbox is a tool developed by the maryland institute of technology in the humanities and lets users share a common repository of images and compare them. matt kirschenbaum has been involved in the development of this. it runs on windows and unix, so should run under os x. a quick read of the documentation tells me the command line things i'd need to make it happen. i'm wondering if something like this might be useful in a cinema studies class where students were all able to look at and compare an image or images at the same time, and if this would be a qualitatively more useful way of doing this than all looking and talking about the same image, at the same time. might have to play with this.

[Fri 7 Feb 2003]

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a new subscription only journal sponsored by eastgate, edited by anja rau. i took out a charter subscription, so i imagine my name will one day be immortalised in pixels on an archive screen somewhere. if it lives up to its brief it will be good, but being subscription based is brave. will be an interesting test of a business model.

[Sun 19 Jan 2003]

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a uk centre for film art and creative technology. i think creative technology means new technologies, which means digital technologies, which means electronic digital technologies. but i aren't sure. i think the mission statement is just a tad too clever there. since it is hard to think of many artistic practices that don't use technology creatively. but big bold brave.

[Sat 11 Jan 2003]

digital fiction
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uk site that has a half decent list of links but also a lot of very interesting creative work. to be returned to.

[Tue 17 Dec 2002]

henning ziegler
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homesite of henning ziegler, this is the person i had a brief critical exchange (good natured i add) with a couple of months ago.

[Fri 6 Dec 2002]

the living internet
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well it sounds like something from a middle brow national geographic doco, and the design does little to disabuse you of the idea, but an eclectic collection. not certain of the province or the scholarship of what it contains, useful for pointers and directions, but i'd follow up on what you find.

[Mon 2 Dec 2002]

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from their own email:

welcome to the very heart of the netzwissenschaft project. Most research essays listed here are from 2003 down to 1999. It's a personal linklog of, in my view, persuasive contributions to the emerging field of Internet Studies and Network Research. Please find the latest entries on top. Updates at least once a week.

a place for interested browsing and serendipitous discovery.

[Sun 1 Dec 2002]

russel naughton
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russell naughton did his phd through rmit and this is his link list which points to a lot of stuff on cinema, interactive cinema, etc.

[Fri 22 Nov 2002]

blue moon review
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online journal that appears to concentrate on poetry. does support electronic poetry and sound work. edited by doug lawson.

[Tue 24 Sep 2002]

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digital games research association. international organisation, modelled a bit like aoir, founded to promote and foster research into computer games.

[Mon 23 Sep 2002]
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this is the danish games research web site, looked after by charlie breindahl. lists danish researchers working on games, and links to other sites.

[Mon 23 Sep 2002]
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this is an italian new media journal, published on paper quarterly, though the link above is to their english pages and their web site (italian and english) claims to be updated daily with stuff about new media, hacktivism, electronic music, etc.

[Mon 23 Sep 2002]

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Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst (netherlands media art institute), one of those european places that make you squirm with interest and curiosity. there's a map available. from their web site:

[Fri 20 Sep 2002]

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handing on tradition by electronic dissemination, yes, it produces the acronym hotbed. sheesh. it uses an archive of traditional scottish music and seeks to use the network to facilitate access, learning, and ethnographic/musicological practices.

i know one of the people involved in this (saw it presented at drh2002) and so might be able to bring some smafe stuff to hotbed. which could produce interesting progeny in the acronym department.

[Mon 9 Sep 2002]

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cory doctorow's article on the broadcast protection discussion group, a u.s. federal committee that basically wants to ensure all hardware for things like digital tv can in no way be used to gather, repurpose, et al content. it is an appalling model.

[Tue 3 Sep 2002]

art or not
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web or net art project game thingo where you add stuff and then you and others vote (scale of 1 to 10) on whether it's art or not. one of those self deprecating ironic postnetwork art things that critiques its own institutionalisationism (that means it wants to be outside but knows that to be outside you have to be inside).

[Sat 1 Jun 2002]

andrew mactavish
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andrew mactavish is a new media humanities computing sort of canadian. got drunk on his whiskey with him and his mates once at a conference. so a fine time had by all. probably helped that we were all foreigners in america at the time too. he has been instrumental in setting up a new media curriculum that combines theory and practice, and is currently examining some streaming media work.

[Thu 30 May 2002]

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this is the work of garry sheppard, a melbourne person (and currently artist in residence at rmit's i cubed). it is a large site about the history and practice of the techno scene in melbourne. he has an enormous archive of material that's he's building into the site. he's also an animator and roboticist (is that what you call someone who makes robots?).

[Wed 29 May 2002]

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this is the url for max. new media performance (vj) software.

[Tue 28 May 2002]
earth - image link's link directory. emphasis on queer theory and identity politics via cultural studies. (butler, foucault, et al.)

[Mon 27 May 2002]

greg ulmer
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greg ulmer, uni of florida, author or teletheory, applied grammatology and heuritics. major theorist. teletheory's a personal fave. though could do with less derrida.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

multimedia ethnography
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the multimedia ethnography research lab. this is at the uni of british columbia and has some brilliant work. they have a hypercard based tool for analysing digital video and web content ethnographically. essays on analysing data without centres, etc. somewhere to return to.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

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the australian centre for the moving image. yes it's over budget. yes it's behind schedule. yes, when it opens it will be for that window of time the best place in the world to look at, participate in, and wonder at, screen based media content. i just hope the web site gets better.

[Fri 17 May 2002]

ken wark
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australian cultural studies sort who does a lot of work on political/cultural economy and new media. currently new york based.

[Mon 13 May 2002]

interactive masters
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this is a media lab series of master classes. hard to find (can anyone say flash?) but some interesting course notes attached.

[Tue 30 Apr 2002]

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netzwissenschaft is a german portal with a rather large pile of links to researchers, projects and stuff in new media. i'm in there, so must be doing something right.

[Mon 22 Apr 2002]


Don't have a url for this, so this is the email thing i saw:

LOSSLESS VIDEO also posts events, seminars, festivals and media art grants.

LOSSLESS VIDEO exists as both, a Message Board on the BBS and as a mailing list. Interested parties have the choice to subscribe either to the list, OR just to follow the threads on the site which is located in the "Threads" section of THE THING at

+++++++++++++++++ HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: ++++++++++++++++++

SUBSCRIBE: send a mail to with no subject, write subscribe losslessvideo into the message body.

[Wed 10 Apr 2002]

4.4 videoex
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swiss based annual festival/competition and symposium on experimental video with a digital concentration.

[Mon 8 Apr 2002]

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site dedicated to work on gender and geography, by ursual biemann. includes video work.

[Mon 8 Apr 2002]

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an interactive multimedia authoring system that runs on various platforms, including os x. there's a 30 day demo available. by the pr on the site looks like it's about ease of use and interactivity around a core set of themes (quizzes and presenting stuff).

[Sun 10 Mar 2002]

jeremy welsh
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digital artist based in the art college in bergen (bergen kunsthøgskolen) who is a friend of mine. he has the sort of work space that, well, envy is too weak a word ("the view", he murmurs, "the view...").

[Thu 7 Mar 2002]

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blender is a freeware 3d modelling environment. various platforms and supports realtime interactivity.

[Mon 11 Feb 2002]

game culture
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game theory/culture web site run by sue morris (queensland).

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

language of new media

Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 2001.

[Wed 16 Jan 2002]

authoring and navigating
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Sawhney, Nitin, David Balcom, and Ian Smith. "Authoring and Navigating Video in Space and Time." n.d. May 1, 1998.

largely a reprise of the issues raised in the HypertextCafe paper from the ACM.

[Wed 16 Jan 2002]

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Tolva, John. "Medialoom: An Interactive Authoring Tool for Hypervideo." 1998.

a buggy prototype developed in director that provided rudimentary time based links in video windows in a visual authoring and reading environment derived from storyspace.

[Wed 16 Jan 2002]

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dutch developed multi-user cross media synthesizer (it's a dinner party conversation starter). lets networked distant artists share a library of self generated content and for each user to do rather extraordinary things with that library. i saw it running at lanmark in bergen, a bek sponsored event. the images on the walls don't appear much till you see how they are actually produced. then it's trés impressive. (it's all in the catalogue essay, as they say.)

as the web site says:

[Thu 10 Jan 2002]

computer fine arts
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work that isn't quite interactive video but more quicktime collage with multiple quicktime movies (often the same movie embedded multiple times) embedded on a web page. some of them are very elegant, in particular pecker. i've no idea what the secret meaning of the relationship/s between the sequences are, but it looks good and i like its multiplicity.

[Tue 8 Jan 2002]

lev manovich
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lev manovich wrote the language of new media, a landmark work on new media which uses film and other visual arts as one of its key methodologies for addressing new media. sees databases and interfaces as two key aspects of all new media. the book is wide ranging, and often goes in odd ways where points are raised, you sort of think that x would be either counter or contribute to this and sure enough, several pages later x appears. so it seems to read like manovich thinking out loud, which once you accept that is ok.

on the other hand there are passages that are gems but also bits that are dramatically and tragically under theorised. at times arguments are made by analogy but the analogies are extended a very long way and then bought together as a conclusion yet it seems to have been forgotten through there that they're analogies! at times like this more careful argument is needed. the last chapter on digital cinema, while largely a reprise of previous work, is provocative and important.

[Thu 3 Jan 2002]

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an australian newspaper come magazine that covers the performing and media arts. great content.

[Thu 3 Jan 2002]

fine art forum
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australian based (and funded) fine art journal online. i think it's the oldest (firstest) fine art journal that was established out there in cyberland. has art, technology news.

[Tue 1 Jan 2002]

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a new media information directory. has companies, dvd and cdrom titles, news, links, events, jobs, full catastrophe. seems to be international in scope, a business to business directory, and uk based.

[Sat 29 Dec 2001]

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journal that is based at melbourne uni and wants to cover new media, games, and that sort of stuff. luckily design doesn't have to be an indicator of content. lives in the school of fine arts (art history and cinema, classical studies and archaeology, go figure).

[Thu 20 Dec 2001]

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curatorial resource for upstart media bliss (crumb, get it?). no, it's not something from a mike meyer's film but is housed at sunderland uni in the uk. these are the people who host a new media curatorial list, and they also have plenty of resources online about curating new media.

[Mon 17 Dec 2001]

media culture review
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this is a new online journal from griffith uni's australian key centre for cultural and media policy. the aim is to be more a newsletter with short themed stuff, commentary and the like.

[Mon 17 Dec 2001]

marie-laure ryan
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marie-laure ryan is a narratologist who works on electronic literature, games, and those sorts of things. edited a good anthology and authored some excellent essays.

[Wed 12 Dec 2001]

irish museum
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irish museum of modern art that has a new media secion curated by Arthur X Doyle (gotta love the name).

[Wed 12 Dec 2001]

ba informatics
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bachelor of arts at sydney uni combining an arts degree with a computing degree. one of the few programs i've seen in australia that approaches a computing humanities degree.

[Tue 11 Dec 2001]

lisa gye
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lisa gye's home page. lisa is an academic at swinburne university who works in new media, hypertext, digital culture sort of stuff. one of the best teachers i know.

[Mon 10 Dec 2001]

mit compcult
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new research lab at mit that will make art while doing research and theory. from their pr announcement:

our research will result in specific works of art, but will also help further an understanding of the relationships between art, technology, and cultural production. some of the strategies we practice include interventions in contemporary consumer electronics, creating special media events for public situations and applying technical development to cultural agendas that wouldn't normally receive it. Our central interest is in physically embodied (rather than screen-based) work.

oh, is this installation art?

[Thu 6 Dec 2001]

digital creativity
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refereed journal published by swets and zeitlinger and edited by colin beardon and lone malmborg. its about art and design in higher education and wants to embrace all existing and emerging design disciplines. wants to include visual and creative content.

[Wed 5 Dec 2001]

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bergen electronic kunst, otherwise bergen electronic art. innovative group in bergen that promote, support, and otherwise have their fingers in electronic art in bergen.

[Tue 4 Dec 2001]

critical media ca
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well not sure who or what they are. at the moment they only seem to have info about a december 2 2001 forum on curating new media. they're in canada. but who knows what else...

[Sat 1 Dec 2001]

life 4.0
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competition for digital art works that use artifical life principals.

[Sat 1 Dec 2001]

anna munster
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nsw new media artist, teacher, and researcher.

[Fri 30 Nov 2001]

future media home
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future media homes was a research project out of the medialab at uiah. series of research projects/ideas around possibilties. applied research i guess but free of what you might call commercial concerns. (their approach is simply that industry's fine at working out what they need but not much good at working out what people need...)

[Thu 29 Nov 2001]

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sound web site. they build interactive sound things for online and i think broadcast environments.

[Wed 28 Nov 2001]

sonify demo
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web site that has contextual sound when you mouse over images. very interesting.

[Wed 28 Nov 2001]

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norwegian sound design form for tv, radio etc. their web site makes extensive use of flash and sound in very playful and interesting ways.

[Wed 28 Nov 2001]

smil home
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the official site for the smil spec. this is a w3c standard (world wide web consortium) and so is a consensus sort of document. quicktime and real player support smil, though real supports the implementation much better than quicktime.

[Tue 27 Nov 2001]

smil + qt
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this is an education site but has a good general tutorial come explanation of how to put quicktime on a page and how to use smil with quicktime.

[Tue 27 Nov 2001]
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norwegian web portal and publication that is the country's major art site. has some new media stuff (in norwegian).

[Sun 25 Nov 2001]

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canadian info. technology centre which now has a new media gallery thingo attached. highlights the local's working in kewl ways with gnu media.

[Thu 22 Nov 2001]

new venue
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extensive web site dedicated to pixel/bitrate/web movies. has a very impressive 'how to' section (though some links and some of the information is outdated) as well as archives and an exhibition space. has an announcement list, also does interviews and stuff.

[Wed 21 Nov 2001]

digital sister
earth - image link site that is feminist, got that feel to it...

[Wed 21 Nov 2001]

rhizome org
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big and major u.s. based media arts site. apparently something like 6 million raw hits a month on their site, and mark tribe turns up all over the place. they seem to survive financially, they get some donations from members but i'm not sure what else they live off.

[Tue 20 Nov 2001]

timebased arts, usc
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art in motion, an international student festival at the uni. of southern california, during 2002.

[Tue 20 Nov 2001]

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acm special interest group on computer graphics. i'm member (or was a member) of sigweb, the special interest group on hypertext and hypermedia. siggraph is a big big gig, big annual event. big industry thing. there's an increasing theoretical participation, though my understanding (never been) is that it is very much a comp.sci and industry orientated event.

[Tue 20 Nov 2001]

computer mediated arts
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victoria university (melbourne, australia). an undergrad. program about computer mediated arts.

[Tue 20 Nov 2001]

ends and means
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is a journal from aberdeen university centre for philosophy, technology, and society. from their web site, ends and means is about:

philosophical explorations of the social, moral and conceptual implications of modern technology

[Mon 19 Nov 2001]

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a moderated email list in europe for new media, collaboration and exchange. grew from the syndicate meltdown of august 2001.

[Mon 19 Nov 2001]

consciousness literature and arts
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their own blurb:

The journal provides a forum for new work relating the arts and literature to the exploration of consciousness currently flourishing in many disciplines such as philosophy, cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and physics.

Submissions are welcome from the fields of fine arts, performing arts (performance, theatre, dance, music), and media arts (film, television, multimedia, hypermedia), literature and any sub-categories of those areas.

they live at the uni. of wales, in the department of theatre, film, and television.

[Sat 17 Nov 2001]

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dutch (i think) based organisation come site that hosts new media and media activist come indie new media lists, organisations, events, structures, flows, morphs. and so forth.

[Fri 16 Nov 2001]

dirk hines
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serious photomontage + collage + temporal interaction work. was also someone who at some past moment had an excellent blog on new media or at least digital visual aesthetics, also documented and described his practice (lots of the objects he gets at auction via ebay. this is good work.

[Thu 15 Nov 2001]

karl sims
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computer graphics developer type person who works in cgi for the film industry in boston. has developed some impressive interactive installation pieces in the past.

[Thu 15 Nov 2001]

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center for digital discourse and culture, virginia tech. laziness permits me to lift the following off their homepage:

[Sat 10 Nov 2001]

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a new list for net.arty sorts has been set up in australia. largely to make a space for the sort of stuff that was once kosher on other lists and now is jumped on, from mez (one of the founders, and demezzangled):

For some time now, various hierarchically-dependant entities have been cauterizing net/web-based activities [including email- lists] in an effort 2 streamline and contain the netwurk in all its varied formulations. [] Lists that have previously embraced expressive/communicative tendencies of all types are now dying [heavily] moderated and flame-driven deaths, with the survivors either hanging on for dear text or abandoning the status-quo-seeking shells in static swarms.

_arc[texture.eyes].hive_ seeks to fill the gap left by those lists previously devoted to the evolution, discussion, practice, & slippage of all actions oriented around the net/web. _arc[texture.eyes].hive_ will try to jab at buttoned boundaries and recreate a space where experimentation and debate regarding any label you care to stick on/over creative practices involving the network [ie new media art, code poetry,, e.literature, content alteration poetry, web art, electronic art, hackerese, digital projects, net.wurks, programmer writing, spam art, incremental texts, theory/hybrid factions, software art, performative interactions, werdwurk, calls for applications and submissions, gamer rhetoric, technical information/details, net-linked announcements etc etc] is to be expected and encouraged.

We [mez & ftr - the moderators] see the _arc[texture.eyes].hive_ list as a dissemination/node point for all things geared for/towards/in the net/web, including the active creation of net.wurks via the list mechanism.

[Fri 9 Nov 2001]

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journal of new media and culture, first issue sometime in 2002. peer reviewed and just starting out. wants to be print based but also mentions audiovisual stuff so i guess it is going to combine the journal with the web site. very promising.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

flesh and metal
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french site that links to and has a commentary on it. i think they invite people to submit a piece of work that they like (or don't like i guess, not sure). they have several editions of this and looking through their stuff can uncover some interesting things.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

lloyd rutledge
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works as a researcher at cwi multimedia and human computer interaction and is a smil expert.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

cwi smil
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this is a list of smil resources and links from cwi (centrum voor wiskunde en informatica) in the netherlands. i think it is the centre for mathematics and computer science, and the media people there were instrumental in the smil standard.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

gunnar liestol
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oslo academic who has done plenty of work around interactive media and more recently has had some students working on hypervideo.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

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flexible learning environment. an open source project/product from uiah that is designed for collaborative and problem based learning in online environments. has come a long way and has a lot of possibilities.

[Wed 7 Nov 2001]

john thackara
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dutch based designer and thinker on flow, info tech and design. doors of perception is his and the conference he runs via doors of perception sounds excellent. (haven't been but heard good things about it from one person.)

[Wed 7 Nov 2001]

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centre for contemporary photography, in melbourne australia. bleeding edge exhibition, curatorial practice, and theoretical meeting place.

[Wed 7 Nov 2001]

doors of perception
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the home site of designer john thackara and his innovative work in design, architecture, and media technologies. or as the site header puts it "forefront of design and innovation". i heard john speak at nic2001 and he's charismatic, charming, articulate, and very smart. someone you'd like to have on your side.

[Wed 7 Nov 2001]

media lab uiah
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the media lab at the uni of art and design, helsinki. good projects and innovative in its time. no doubt still one of the better places to hang out and play.

[Wed 7 Nov 2001]

hypermedia lab tampere
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in tampere, finland. place that seems to combine making for clients in the uni. with teaching and research. love the lego on the homepage.

[Wed 7 Nov 2001]

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cambridge uni moving image studio. has research students and projects, is located in the department of architecture and wants digital tools to assist and expand creative practice. maureen thomas hangs out here some of the time.

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

interactive institute
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swedish insitute that their blurb describes as

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

maureen thomas
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senior creative research fellow at the interactive institute and the creative director of cambridge uni's moving image studio. a dramatist who is working in ict, primarily in relation to narrative. directed/wrote vala, an 'interactive hypermovie' which models some of her ideas. vala has 2 hours of video and music and uses a real actor and various designers/programmers. from the postcard:

vala is an interactive non-linear hypermovie, where the storyteller, vala, guides you through the viking 'runerow' of characters into navigable narrative landscapes... should get to her.

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

narrativity studio
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the narrativity studio at the interactive institute at malmö (sweden). this is the place that maureen thomas is the creative director of, and they have a suite of projects combining new media, ict, and narrative in various social contexts. the brochure reads: "community and identity as narrative, narrative play, new loics, new grammars, new rhetorics in interactive narrative". it offers collaboration between boffins and creatives, though i suspect it needs a dose of hands on grubby theorists too...

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

narrative toys
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a project run by åsa harvard at the interactive institute in malmö (sweden) which combines computer stuff with toys to make 'new types of narrative media'. they have some interesting projects and it's a great idea.

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

nordic interactive
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a copenhagen based nordic organisation which seeks to establish connections between research, industry, and culture throughout the nordic region. it is sort of like a secretariat i suppose, and organised the nic2001 conference as part of this charter. it is an ambitious idea but given some of the networking and exchange that nic2001 enabled is perhaps a very good idea. and it might also just be one of those nordic management things that are done better than anywhere else. some state support, industry involvement, university support, in an environment where everyone seems to understand that economic collaboration and support is a given and joint responsibility.

[Sun 4 Nov 2001]

doors of perception
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this is an amsterdam site that i think comes from john thackara's design firm. they also host an annual conference 'event' that has a particularly novel approach to such things. it is themed and combines artists with theorists in extremely creative and engaged ways.

[Fri 2 Nov 2001]

media culture
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media culture is an australian (queensland) based media come cultural studies magazine that has developed a deserved reputation for the range and quality of its work. broad themes, several sections each issue.

[Sun 28 Oct 2001]

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their own pr:

[Thu 25 Oct 2001]

curtin internet studies
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curtin university, perth western australia, which has a bachelor of arts in internet studies....

[Thu 25 Oct 2001]

jesper juul
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danish researcher and games designer currently based at the IT university of København who does great work on games, narrative, and how games aren't narrative. email him at

[Thu 25 Oct 2001]

victor lombardi
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another ceres' beta-tester, blogger, site designer and information architect. the blog's a treat, but wait, there's more! there's stuff about sound on the web, photography, and notes on hci and interface design.

[Wed 17 Oct 2001]

dr hugo
earth - image link and sort of telematics-of-the-mind (not sure but seems to be a new age meets new media with a dash of synaethesia-as-inner-space). has some interesting content but after a quick perusal i can't tell if it's ironic or not. which if i were being in a smugly post conference cocktail question kind of mood would let me say something like being quintessentially postmodern, this ironic mode.

ah, turned off the mute on the powerbook. it isn't ironic. :-) love the rollover brain hemispheres. sort of's jeff koon?

[Tue 16 Oct 2001]

andrew murphie
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andrew is a nsw new media theorist who's interests cross over quite a bit into my own. we caught up at a symposium in sydney (code and craft, about post digital cinema) a couple of years ago, and he used to have a lecture online on music as the major trope of hypertext that i've quoted quite a bit. anyway, in finishing off the essay i've been writing (on links, excess, and realism) for a u.s. journal there are a couple of dead earls.

my immediate response is to leave them dead. after all the reason bibliographical citations of web resources have a date of access is to acknowledge the volatility of this content. more than this though is the recognition that things pass in this medium, and that when we write in and with this medium this is a condition of our writing. goodness knows hundreds of my own pages have shifted their urls, disappeared, or simply had their content rather dramatically change.

the editors, however, see things differently. so in my search for andrew murphie i've found his very elegant new homepage which contains links to deleuze and guattari resources (thank you), as well as one of the best course introduction pages i think i've seen on the web. has a blog like utility and design as well as a conversational tone that, well, i think i'll adopt. :-)

[Tue 16 Oct 2001]

martine corompt
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melbourne based new media artist who combines an interest in popular culture with animation histories to produce visual and installation pieces.

[Mon 15 Oct 2001]

newmedia ann
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a moderated announcements only email list, usually sent once a day. any exhibitions, call for papers, journal announcements and what not that vaguely relate to new media, media studies, hypertext, computing humanities, etc that come my way are sent out via this list. has an australian concentration but all i get goes out. the url has subscription info.

[Mon 8 Oct 2001]

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resource center for cyberculture studies, david silver looks after this. now has a good collection of book reviews, and is now building itself up as a resource site for cyberculture content - links, resources, conference info.

[Tue 2 Oct 2001]

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australian multimedia metadata project, uses rdf, xml, and mpeg 7 standards. international leader in the field.

[Mon 1 Oct 2001]

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portugese new media site. they are running a festival in 2001 and are one of the european cities of culture in 2001 (i think its an eu thing, bergen was one in 2000). there's also a conference with a line up of major theorists (mulvey, hayles, shaviro....)

[Mon 1 Oct 2001]

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new media festival site, this is for the 2002 festival (feb. 2002) so got no idea how permanent it is. it is attached to the uni. of michigan in the states.

[Mon 1 Oct 2001]

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studies in media and information literacy education, a uni. of toronto journal that appears to be free online. is new, and has lots of sort of applied media analysis stuff (simpsons and media literacy, etc).

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

torill mortensen
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torill is a friend of mine who teaches media at volda college, somewhere on the west coast of norway, amongst skerries and fjords. one of those norwegians that puts the lie to the joke about extroverted norwegians (what's the definition of an extroverted norwegian? he looks at your shoes when he talks with you). doing work on game playing, role playing games, muds, and media theory. has got a nice new house with lots of rooms so i can visit!

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

gonzalo frasca
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well the url says it all doesn't it? huizinga and homo ludens, who'd have thought after all these years? murmur murmur. gonzalo is one of the pack of games researchers that have more or less hoisted their banner under ludology and ergodics (that's espen aarseth's work). gonzalo is a developer and player, with an infectious passion for his nascent field that tends to sweep all up.

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

lisbeth klastrup
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friend who is a danish games and new media phd candidate. hangs out in københaven (that's scandinavian for copenhagen, gets me birch and blonde timber credit points at ikea that does) at their new it university. this is her blog, and a rather good and useful source of information and opinion it is too. jill walker and i spent a night at lisbeth's apartment and now i understand why ikea has all those knicky-knacky space saving devices. oh, shes made a moo that's a game too. lisbeth's blog is now at

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

terry breheny
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terry breheny's homesite. bit of a qtvr wizard and you'll find some resources here. apparently there's a book on the way about qtvr too.

[Wed 26 Sep 2001]

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is a dutch new media house that has written a divx codec for osx. apparently prefers 10.1 but who knows? to find it click on the brain in the flash intro (as of sept. 18, who knows next). of course you could always just use versiontracker.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001]

flaherty seminar
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an international film seminar in new york city. has digital flaherty, archives, and runs seminars and what not.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001] |