glimpsed: [] melbourne time

documentating and discussing the problem making that is vogging with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital.
oh, i'm adrian miles, rmit melbourne and intermedia bergen.

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interactive cinema

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the international centre for digital content. housed or attached to john moores universityand is between industry, research, and education. quite an innovative model by the look of it. they have an ma program, and it looks like the work with industry, to professional development, not sure what else. be a good place to visit if you're interested in education, new media, and research futures.

[Wed 12 Feb 2003]

a vog again
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mark hancock has attached a vog to his blog!

[Sat 7 Dec 2002]

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from their own email:

welcome to the very heart of the netzwissenschaft project. Most research essays listed here are from 2003 down to 1999. It's a personal linklog of, in my view, persuasive contributions to the emerging field of Internet Studies and Network Research. Please find the latest entries on top. Updates at least once a week.

a place for interested browsing and serendipitous discovery.

[Sun 1 Dec 2002]

russel naughton
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russell naughton did his phd through rmit and this is his link list which points to a lot of stuff on cinema, interactive cinema, etc.

[Fri 22 Nov 2002]

ergodic cinema
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this is the abstract of a paper given by collin gifford brooke at the 2000 digital arts and culture conference in bergen. it is work that raises an interesting idea, ie ergodic cinema, but the abstract seems to misunderstand what espen means by ergodic, since a film, no matter how it is edited and narrated, just can't be ergodic. (ergodic works require non trivial user activity to make the text 'work' and this activity is non trivial because it affects the text itself.) while collin recognises these are not really ergodic the abstract doesn't really indicate what would be useful from espen's cybertext typology in relation to cinema. and cinema has, pretty much since its inception, done interesting things visually (split screens, narrators, and so on) and in terms of narrative and so while it is clear that there has been some influence of the digital in narration in film making (Run Lola Run, Timecode, 24), most of the influence to date has been in or on production processes rather than narration per se.

[Tue 12 Nov 2002]

collin gifford brooke
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collin is someone i met a couple of times during 2000. once at the computers and writing conference (i think) in ft worth texas (aka cowtown), and then later at dac2000 in bergen. each time he was presenting some recent work about ergodic cinema.

[Tue 12 Nov 2002]

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Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst (netherlands media art institute), one of those european places that make you squirm with interest and curiosity. there's a map available. from their web site:

[Fri 20 Sep 2002]

film video umbrella
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this is a british project that commissions work in video and film and promotes work in this media. looks like a good funding and project development and support model.

[Thu 29 Aug 2002]


uni of bergen mediascience project (in conjunction with others) that is based on the nordic anthropological film archive and uses quicktime and flash to provide access, commentary, teaching and research resources around the archive. promising beginning for broadband access, now we just have to get some work done on how to build critical content with or in video much like we know how to do this with words...

[Sun 25 Aug 2002]

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this offers a comparison of features between different digital video formats for online work.

[Sat 1 Jun 2002]

andrew mactavish
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andrew mactavish is a new media humanities computing sort of canadian. got drunk on his whiskey with him and his mates once at a conference. so a fine time had by all. probably helped that we were all foreigners in america at the time too. he has been instrumental in setting up a new media curriculum that combines theory and practice, and is currently examining some streaming media work.

[Thu 30 May 2002]

multimedia ethnography
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the multimedia ethnography research lab. this is at the uni of british columbia and has some brilliant work. they have a hypercard based tool for analysing digital video and web content ethnographically. essays on analysing data without centres, etc. somewhere to return to.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

jay ruby
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jay ruby's home page. jay ruby is a cultural anthropologist who has been very influential in the field of visual anthropology. i've got him blogged in here because of his oak park project, a sort of applied web anthropology project.

[Mon 20 May 2002]


Don't have a url for this, so this is the email thing i saw:

LOSSLESS VIDEO also posts events, seminars, festivals and media art grants.

LOSSLESS VIDEO exists as both, a Message Board on the BBS and as a mailing list. Interested parties have the choice to subscribe either to the list, OR just to follow the threads on the site which is located in the "Threads" section of THE THING at

+++++++++++++++++ HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: ++++++++++++++++++

SUBSCRIBE: send a mail to with no subject, write subscribe losslessvideo into the message body.

[Wed 10 Apr 2002]

4.4 videoex
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swiss based annual festival/competition and symposium on experimental video with a digital concentration.

[Mon 8 Apr 2002]

codec shootout
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is a site that provides basic info. about different codecs. primary focus is online delivery. it's a standard test at a common datarate for each codec with a listing of file sizes...

[Mon 4 Mar 2002]

semiotic framework
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Lindley, Creig. A Computational Semiotic Framework for Interactive Cinema. 2000. Jan 16 2002.

Describes a semiotic based database system for generating rich interactive video narratives.

[Tue 22 Jan 2002]

interview with greg roach
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interview with greg roach (hyperbole studios and that is dated but touches on a couple of issues and useful terms (for instance holographic narrative).

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

hyperbole studios
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multimedia production house that also works in interactive cinema and games development. their technology and approach seems to favour first person interactive video narratives.

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

virtual cinema
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this is a company that has authored an environment for writing/producing interactive movies. the site has a pdf 'bible' available ( which comments on interactive video and its implications, as well as authoring tools for mac and pc. a detailed description is available at uses the term 'viewsers' to describe the viewer/user in interactive cinema, and there is a great deal of high quality material here in relation to problems of continuity in database driven video narratives. a key text.

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

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Weinbren, Grahame. Frames: A New Interactive Cinema Work. n.d. Jan 16 2002.

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

random access

Weinbren, Grahame. "Random Access Rules." Cinema Futures: Cain, Abel or Cable? The Screen Arts in the Digital Age. Eds. Thomas Elsaesser and Kay Hoffmann. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1998. 229-40.

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

some grammars
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Weinbren, Grahame. Frames and Tunnels: Some Grammars for Interactive Narrative. Dec 2000. Jan 16 2002.

Brief transcription of what appears to be a talk on interactive cinema. suggests that cinema as a medium is exhausted and that new technologies allow new expressive possibilities. in addition the 'possibility of including, in our representations of reality, the fact that we affect the world of our perception" is possible.

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

colour of time

Cubitt, Sean. "Preface: The Colour of Time." in Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age. Malcolm Le Grice. London: BFI Publishing, 2001. vii-xvi.

strongly theoretical preface that discusses the importance of new conceptions of duration and temporality (the open) in new media and video. has lashings of deleuze/bergson: |