glimpsed: [] melbourne time

documentating and discussing the problem making that is vogging with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital.
oh, i'm adrian miles, rmit melbourne and intermedia bergen.

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deena larsen
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deena is probably coming to melbourne early in the new year, which will be rather good fun. she's already cooking up some collaborations. i think of deena as a sort of patron parent of hypertext fiction, which i'm sure will offend some people (and possibly deena!). but she's this centre of organisational energy that drives, coerces and bludgeons all the rest of us into participating, sharing, and making.

one of the best things i learnt at the 2000 hypertext conference was the 'deena index'. this was how many times you received an email announcement from deena about any of the activities she's instrumental in running, and the higher your deena index then the more important in the hypertext community you were :-) the source of this irreverance born of respect was unknown.

[Mon 8 Jul 2002]

jane douglas
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jane yellowlees douglas is a hypertext theorist who has written the book (literally and figuratively) on hypertext and closure. a major contribution to the field, and she's been an active member of the hypertext community. she's also written and published hypertext fiction.

[Wed 15 May 2002]

hypertext writing
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this has hypertext writing by 40 men. collected/edited by marjorie leusebrink and stephanie strickland. the previous year (i think) there was a collection of women's hypertext writing.

[Mon 6 May 2002]

poems that go
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web site that is all about kinetic digital poetry, i guess. about combining design, words, music and motion, as the editors like to say.

[Tue 9 Apr 2002]

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an australian newspaper come magazine that covers the performing and media arts. great content.

[Thu 3 Jan 2002]

adrienne eisen
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adrienne eisen is a writer who does a lot of hypertext stuff, though most of it is more sort of screen chunks with very simple serial link structures. elegant sometimes charged work.

[Wed 2 Jan 2002]

fine art forum
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australian based (and funded) fine art journal online. i think it's the oldest (firstest) fine art journal that was established out there in cyberland. has art, technology news.

[Tue 1 Jan 2002]

iowa web review
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one of the best (and major) places for publishing online new media work.

[Mon 31 Dec 2001]

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talan memmott's journal of new media/hypertext theory and creative content.

[Mon 31 Dec 2001]

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hypertext literature journal supported out of virginia tech. frequented by many in the u.s. hypertext community.

[Mon 10 Dec 2001]

digital creativity
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refereed journal published by swets and zeitlinger and edited by colin beardon and lone malmborg. its about art and design in higher education and wants to embrace all existing and emerging design disciplines. wants to include visual and creative content.

[Wed 5 Dec 2001]

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incubation is the conference that trace runs every couple of years. it's a hypertext lit. conference, though it probably concentrates more on the 'literary' than the 'electronic'.

[Wed 21 Nov 2001]

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english (nottingham) based hypertext lit. association. sort of cultural body that actively supports and encourages hypertext literature. programs for non techie writers to learn how to write html and the like. they've achieved a lot in the few years they've been around. sue thomas runs the shop. every couple of years they run a conference called incubation.

[Wed 21 Nov 2001]

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the electronic literature organisation (i mean organization) is a u.s. based lobby and development group for elect. lit. originally under scott rettberg and based in somewhere like chicago it's now moving (or moved) to california and is being provided for by ucla. in 2001 they hosted a big international competition for electronic lit. and poetry, and they also maintain a directory of writers and works.

[Tue 20 Nov 2001]
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italian new media and hypertext site. resolutely ugly design (sorry, but those spinning new things, and the soundtrack, yikes duck!) but active hub of information, events and electronic poetry.

[Thu 8 Nov 2001]

diane greco
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diane greco is a writer, theorist and editor of hypertext. employed by eastgate she wrote "hypertext with consequences" for the 1996 acm hypertext conference, a paper i've always enjoyed. in beehive she has a fiction piece, translated from storyspace that does really interesting things with window collage, sort of spatiality hijacked into temporality.

[Wed 24 Oct 2001]

stuart moulthrop
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there are actually several front pages to stuart's stuff, sort of an archive of web design (including the ghastly ones). stuart is a leader in hypermedia theory and fiction with his work becoming, to my mind, increasingly visually orientated (of course i always treat this as just proof that hypertext writing is postcinematic and that we're not satisfied just with describing worlds in words...). i don't think he's ever realised it but he's a mentor of mine. he nancy kaplan have been setting up a postgraduate program in baltimore that is now beginning to attract excellent young staff and a curriculum to match.

[Mon 22 Oct 2001]

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part of altx, the electronic book review brings together high end california design with critical writing on electronic writing. a must read.

[Mon 22 Oct 2001]

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home to mark amerika's grammatron, the electronic book review (ebr) and mr. amerika's various other networked projects. large, brooding, pop-punk.

[Mon 22 Oct 2001]

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writing site, of interest as it allows and emphasises 'personal stories' across three categories, real, could be, and not.

[Mon 8 Oct 2001]

drunken boat
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major literary site with lots of electronic writing, video, sound, commentary. i was going to write "sort of not quite bleeding edge new hypermedia" but i was thinking i think from a new media point of view. from the hypertext side of the fence this is bleeding edge.

[Wed 26 Sep 2001] |