glimpsed: [] melbourne time

documentating and discussing the problem making that is vogging with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital.
oh, i'm adrian miles, rmit melbourne and intermedia bergen.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


networked worlds

canberra centre for writing
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this is the links page of the university of canberra centre for writing. an excellent resource to find journals and sites about electronic literature, poetry, and text performance.

[Wed 26 Feb 2003]

australian digital theses
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the australian digital theses program is to provide a common interface to australian electronic theses. this is an interesting project, but the vast majority of work contained here, as far as i can see, is more or less standard thesis content in something like pdf that is archived and distributed in this manner. this is not the same as writing an electronic dissertation where you do thing that can only be done electronically.

[Wed 26 Feb 2003]

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maryland institute for technology in the humanities, title sort of sums it up. a collaborative research centre. this is similar to what i'd like to try and do here at rmit.

[Fri 7 Feb 2003]

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a new subscription only journal sponsored by eastgate, edited by anja rau. i took out a charter subscription, so i imagine my name will one day be immortalised in pixels on an archive screen somewhere. if it lives up to its brief it will be good, but being subscription based is brave. will be an interesting test of a business model.

[Sun 19 Jan 2003]

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a uk centre for film art and creative technology. i think creative technology means new technologies, which means digital technologies, which means electronic digital technologies. but i aren't sure. i think the mission statement is just a tad too clever there. since it is hard to think of many artistic practices that don't use technology creatively. but big bold brave.

[Sat 11 Jan 2003]

blog conference
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interesting looking conference for 2003, from the email:

The primary goal of BlogTalk is to inventory the current and emerging uses of blogs. Active bloggers as well as people from all professional fields are invited to attend.

[Fri 20 Dec 2002]

david silver
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david silver is a young and very active researcher in cyberculture studies. maintains the resource centre for cyberculture study.

[Tue 3 Dec 2002]

the living internet
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well it sounds like something from a middle brow national geographic doco, and the design does little to disabuse you of the idea, but an eclectic collection. not certain of the province or the scholarship of what it contains, useful for pointers and directions, but i'd follow up on what you find.

[Mon 2 Dec 2002]

guide to good practice
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from their own email pr:

[Tue 19 Nov 2002]

resource directory computing humanities
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directory of resources related to computing humanities. compiled by willard mccarty and matt kirschenbaum.

[Tue 19 Nov 2002]

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digital games research association. international organisation, modelled a bit like aoir, founded to promote and foster research into computer games.

[Mon 23 Sep 2002]
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this is the danish games research web site, looked after by charlie breindahl. lists danish researchers working on games, and links to other sites.

[Mon 23 Sep 2002]

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Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst (netherlands media art institute), one of those european places that make you squirm with interest and curiosity. there's a map available. from their web site:

[Fri 20 Sep 2002]

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figaro is a european electronic publishing initiative. it is orientated towards the scientific community but that's because the scientific community probably has quite a different approach to publishing than the humanities. it is a federated project about facilitating access and publication, which is an excellent model. if it works ok would be interested in using something like this to future possible nicn publications.

[Fri 20 Sep 2002]

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handing on tradition by electronic dissemination, yes, it produces the acronym hotbed. sheesh. it uses an archive of traditional scottish music and seeks to use the network to facilitate access, learning, and ethnographic/musicological practices.

i know one of the people involved in this (saw it presented at drh2002) and so might be able to bring some smafe stuff to hotbed. which could produce interesting progeny in the acronym department.

[Mon 9 Sep 2002]

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this is an australian research council funded portal come umbrella organisation that is pretty largely sitting in the middle of the computing humanities. one of my missions in life is to get cinema into these things.

[Fri 30 Aug 2002]

film video umbrella
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this is a british project that commissions work in video and film and promotes work in this media. looks like a good funding and project development and support model.

[Thu 29 Aug 2002]

drh 2002

digital resources in the humanities, 2002
edinburgh, digital resources in the humanities annual conference. september 2002.

conference i've just attended, though i only went for the first of the three days. time and cost pressures. i've got the outline of quite a good paper as a result, which i hope to return to and complete in a couple of months.

[Sun 14 Jul 2002]

uva e imprint
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the electronic imprint from the uni of virginia. major initiative from the place that people like john unsworth hang out.

[Tue 4 Jun 2002]

art or not
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web or net art project game thingo where you add stuff and then you and others vote (scale of 1 to 10) on whether it's art or not. one of those self deprecating ironic postnetwork art things that critiques its own institutionalisationism (that means it wants to be outside but knows that to be outside you have to be inside).

[Sat 1 Jun 2002]

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this is the work of garry sheppard, a melbourne person (and currently artist in residence at rmit's i cubed). it is a large site about the history and practice of the techno scene in melbourne. he has an enormous archive of material that's he's building into the site. he's also an animator and roboticist (is that what you call someone who makes robots?).

[Wed 29 May 2002]
earth - image link's link directory. emphasis on queer theory and identity politics via cultural studies. (butler, foucault, et al.)

[Mon 27 May 2002]

creative commons
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this is a project that's been a while in the making. a new copyright licence that's being developed where you grant a right to allow your work to be more or less in the public domain.

[Wed 22 May 2002]

jay ruby
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jay ruby's home page. jay ruby is a cultural anthropologist who has been very influential in the field of visual anthropology. i've got him blogged in here because of his oak park project, a sort of applied web anthropology project.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

digital heritage
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another one from craig. this is from the canadian heritage information network and this page provides info and resources about digitising collections.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

craig bellamy
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this is the work of craig bellamy, an rmit student who is doing an innovative phd that combines thesis and project. is sort of a bottom up rich media oral history project of fitzroy, a gentrified inner melbourne suburb.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

oral history online
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craig sent me this one. a collection of resources (links, explanations, procedures) about oral history online.

[Mon 20 May 2002]

ken wark
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australian cultural studies sort who does a lot of work on political/cultural economy and new media. currently new york based.

[Mon 13 May 2002]

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netzwissenschaft is a german portal with a rather large pile of links to researchers, projects and stuff in new media. i'm in there, so must be doing something right.

[Mon 22 Apr 2002]

game culture
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game theory/culture web site run by sue morris (queensland).

[Mon 21 Jan 2002]

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The interactive cinema program in the College of Fine Arts at the Uni. of New South Wales, Australia. Focusses on the research and development of a 'digitally expanded cinema'. They are undertaking research into new forms of interactive narrative and large scale interactive cinema installations and systems. Their aims and objectives are described at, their research fields at

[Thu 17 Jan 2002]

hackers dictionary
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hacker's dictionary. handy resource.

[Wed 16 Jan 2002]

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dutch developed multi-user cross media synthesizer (it's a dinner party conversation starter). lets networked distant artists share a library of self generated content and for each user to do rather extraordinary things with that library. i saw it running at lanmark in bergen, a bek sponsored event. the images on the walls don't appear much till you see how they are actually produced. then it's trés impressive. (it's all in the catalogue essay, as they say.)

as the web site says:

[Thu 10 Jan 2002]

worldview 2002
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a site for an international co-operative DV project where participants shoot 1 minute of footage at set times each week and all the work is to be bought together in some way.

[Mon 7 Jan 2002]

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australian net culture and theory body that combines practice with policy. is currently more informal than formal but with a very active email list and a very successful meeting in december 2001 in melbourne that produced a reader, and plenty of good ideas. (i missed it but the reports have been very good.)

[Thu 3 Jan 2002]

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curatorial resource for upstart media bliss (crumb, get it?). no, it's not something from a mike meyer's film but is housed at sunderland uni in the uk. these are the people who host a new media curatorial list, and they also have plenty of resources online about curating new media.

[Mon 17 Dec 2001]

irish museum
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irish museum of modern art that has a new media secion curated by Arthur X Doyle (gotta love the name).

[Wed 12 Dec 2001]

ba informatics
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bachelor of arts at sydney uni combining an arts degree with a computing degree. one of the few programs i've seen in australia that approaches a computing humanities degree.

[Tue 11 Dec 2001]

mit compcult
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new research lab at mit that will make art while doing research and theory. from their pr announcement:

our research will result in specific works of art, but will also help further an understanding of the relationships between art, technology, and cultural production. some of the strategies we practice include interventions in contemporary consumer electronics, creating special media events for public situations and applying technical development to cultural agendas that wouldn't normally receive it. Our central interest is in physically embodied (rather than screen-based) work.

oh, is this installation art?

[Thu 6 Dec 2001]

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bergen electronic kunst, otherwise bergen electronic art. innovative group in bergen that promote, support, and otherwise have their fingers in electronic art in bergen.

[Tue 4 Dec 2001]

critical media ca
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well not sure who or what they are. at the moment they only seem to have info about a december 2 2001 forum on curating new media. they're in canada. but who knows what else...

[Sat 1 Dec 2001]

future media home
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future media homes was a research project out of the medialab at uiah. series of research projects/ideas around possibilties. applied research i guess but free of what you might call commercial concerns. (their approach is simply that industry's fine at working out what they need but not much good at working out what people need...)

[Thu 29 Nov 2001]
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norwegian web portal and publication that is the country's major art site. has some new media stuff (in norwegian).

[Sun 25 Nov 2001]

rhizome org
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big and major u.s. based media arts site. apparently something like 6 million raw hits a month on their site, and mark tribe turns up all over the place. they seem to survive financially, they get some donations from members but i'm not sure what else they live off.

[Tue 20 Nov 2001]

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a moderated email list in europe for new media, collaboration and exchange. grew from the syndicate meltdown of august 2001.

[Mon 19 Nov 2001]

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dutch (i think) based organisation come site that hosts new media and media activist come indie new media lists, organisations, events, structures, flows, morphs. and so forth.

[Fri 16 Nov 2001]

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the home of blogs and blogging. lets you set up an account and provides and interface to let you maintain and archive your own blogs (journals). also has a nice java bookmark thing that lets you blog any pages you're surfing.

[Fri 16 Nov 2001]

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a perl thingo that lets you maintain a web journal on your web site of self blogger. has a series of templates, perl scripts that you upload and it looks like it would also be a nifty site maintenance tool.

[Fri 16 Nov 2001]

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center for digital discourse and culture, virginia tech. laziness permits me to lift the following off their homepage:

[Sat 10 Nov 2001]

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centre for applied technology in the humanities. explores fresh and exciting knowledge work, which is a great description and one i think i ought to borrow.

[Sat 10 Nov 2001]

jeremy hunsinger
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works at the centre for digital discourse and culture at virginia tech. has a huge bookmarks page, is involved in the centre for applied technology in the humanities (cath and iath in the same state, either forward thinking or serious rivals, mmm). does internet research stuff (you visit and figure it out :-) ).

[Fri 9 Nov 2001]

interactive institute
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swedish insitute that their blurb describes as

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

narrativity studio
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the narrativity studio at the interactive institute at malmö (sweden). this is the place that maureen thomas is the creative director of, and they have a suite of projects combining new media, ict, and narrative in various social contexts. the brochure reads: "community and identity as narrative, narrative play, new loics, new grammars, new rhetorics in interactive narrative". it offers collaboration between boffins and creatives, though i suspect it needs a dose of hands on grubby theorists too...

[Mon 5 Nov 2001]

nordic interactive
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a copenhagen based nordic organisation which seeks to establish connections between research, industry, and culture throughout the nordic region. it is sort of like a secretariat i suppose, and organised the nic2001 conference as part of this charter. it is an ambitious idea but given some of the networking and exchange that nic2001 enabled is perhaps a very good idea. and it might also just be one of those nordic management things that are done better than anywhere else. some state support, industry involvement, university support, in an environment where everyone seems to understand that economic collaboration and support is a given and joint responsibility.

[Sun 4 Nov 2001]

doors of perception
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this is an amsterdam site that i think comes from john thackara's design firm. they also host an annual conference 'event' that has a particularly novel approach to such things. it is themed and combines artists with theorists in extremely creative and engaged ways.

[Fri 2 Nov 2001]

curtin internet studies
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curtin university, perth western australia, which has a bachelor of arts in internet studies....

[Thu 25 Oct 2001]

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association of internet researchers. organisation formed in 1999 that has rapidly become one of the major interdisciplinary research organisations/forums for all things internetty.

[Thu 25 Oct 2001]

grassroots KM
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Grassroots KM through blogging. km is knowledge management and this is an article about the relevance of using blogs to facilitate the flow of knowledge within an organisation. emphasises the role of storytelling for knowledge management and the value, ease and relevance of storytelling in blogging. points out that there is a difference between tacit and explicit knowledge. explicit is sort of empirical and easy to document, implicit is how we know how to do something, or how we know what we know, as opposed to what we know. stories are good for sharing, engaging with, and giving some form to implicit knowledge.

this is a lot like what goes on in problem based learning where the emphasis is on learning how to learn, and expressing what you've learnt, rather than learning 'things'. so stories are seen to be good mechanisms for getting tacit to tacit knowledge transfer. they bundle what what is implicit and allow that to be transferred to someone else, as opposed to explicit knowledge which might be memorised but tends to drop off.

[Fri 12 Oct 2001]

film theory
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lots of cultural studies/theory lists hosted here, and one includes film theory. was active a few years ago but a rather quiet place these days.

[Mon 8 Oct 2001]

film philosophy
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email list, salon, reviews, commentary and essays. a film theory site and list that has become an exemplar for how to run and manage an academic email list and site.

[Mon 8 Oct 2001]

newmedia ann
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a moderated announcements only email list, usually sent once a day. any exhibitions, call for papers, journal announcements and what not that vaguely relate to new media, media studies, hypertext, computing humanities, etc that come my way are sent out via this list. has an australian concentration but all i get goes out. the url has subscription info.

[Mon 8 Oct 2001]

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resource center for cyberculture studies, david silver looks after this. now has a good collection of book reviews, and is now building itself up as a resource site for cyberculture content - links, resources, conference info.

[Tue 2 Oct 2001]

phil agre
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Phil Agre's homepage, a lot of interesting work here and he's someone heavily involved in the Association of Internet Researchers.

[Tue 25 Sep 2001] |